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DustZX's Blog
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June 14, 2016
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Bakasura  |  Guide  |  not updated
Hi all, so i'm doing this post to say why my bakasura ( and thana too, but that's in second plan ) guide isn't being updated. Well, some stuff happened and now i'm without good internet ( using my limited cell phone internet to post this ) and without access to my pc. I'm happy to know my baka guide is considered one of the best for the god and i plan to update it when i can, it has been months since i last played smite so i'm kinda off things now ( i just read the patch notes ) . This was just to say my baka guide will be updated sometime when i can ( don't really know when :( ) and to thank people for taking a look at my guide :) . Ps: Sry for any mispelling here.

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September 07, 2015
I started to try hydra's lament on Ratatoskr, it gives some cool stats, but i had a question:
Dart with Opal Acorn procs on-hit effects, it counts as one proc because if you dash on multiple persons with Odysseus' Bow it will count as one attack for O-bow ( at least that's what i noticed ), so if you proc hydra, each lightning bolt will get the damage buff? Because it counts as one. I can't test it because i don't have anyone to test on and it's a bit hard to notice this in a in-game fight.

Thanks in advance.

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April 05, 2015

My baka skin...

Views: 2999 DustZX
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bakasura  |  bunny  |  feaster

Why, just why...

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