September 26, 2013
Smite Tier List (Competitive Play)
Views: 19308
Hi guys this is a tier list for Smite gods, just felt like posting who i think the best and worst gods are. THIS IS MY OPINION don't be weird about it in chat.
TIER 1: Very Strong, Often picked or banned
Zhong Kui one of the best team fight abilities in game, good cc and tanky[/color]
Hercules great ability combo, hard to kill, super strong abilities
Athena all abilities are good utility and CC
Sobek another powerful ability combo and team fight ult
Bakasura crippling ult plus high burst powerful ganks good overall
Ranged Carries:
Apollo great ult, damaging abilities plus long mez
Neith great ult and escape powerful cc
Tier 2: Often picked but not a ban priority
Agni best poke, amazing escape and useful CC
Eset good in all ways Hebo great poke and amazing burst + most spam evar
Chronos good cc and sustain/escape, spamming ability
Poseidon high damage and cc + great team fight
Thor spin 4 win, powerful ganking ult, good escape and chase
Tyr powerful combo, high burst and sustain
Bacchus great cc and ult, hard to kill
Ymir amazing stun + cc, good AOE ult, high damage
Ra high damage + best heals evar and slows
Hel high damage and heals
Loki dat burst and hard to kill
Ne Zha ninja face rape, good ult and chase
Hun Batz Powerful passive, good team fight ult, high damage and burst +CC
Ranged Carries:
Tier 3: Can be good but there are better options
Anubis high burst but feeds alot easily, otherwise carries super hard
Zeus very powerful early game, super strong ability, easy to feed even if fed, swuishy not good escape
Guan Yu just no enough stuff, not enough CC to use as tank, not enough damage as bruiser, can be powerful tho
Vamana high damage, good escape and chase, ult isn’t too good
Odin useful ult, high damage and support, countered by leaps
Guan Yu
Hades good team fight ult, tanky + damage, escape abilities or beads counters
Chang'e good passive, spam, good heals and escape/immune, squishy, low damage
Aphrodite heal is direct, CC strong ult, no escape, cant heal multiple allies.
Freya amazing ult, good initiation, high burst, single target damage, countered with aegis
Fenrir kill secure ult, powerful abilities, good ecape/chase, countered by beads/aegis, shut down by a lot of gods
Ranged Carries:
Anhur strong abilities, escape, powerful ult, not much team fight, aegis counters ult 100%
Tier 4: Uncommon because they are in general not very good
Vulcan spamming ability, good cc and poke, if built as tank your turrets do nothing, if built as mage they die very fast, in between is not worth
Ao Kuang fast lane clearance, very powerful abilities. Can feed easily, can’t carry very well, falls off late game.
Kali high damage ability, heals and lifesteal, escape/chase ult, if built as assassin abilities aren’t as strong and vice versa, in general just not strong enough
Bastet good poke, amazing leap, ultimate becomes useless late game, passive makes you feed even more
Thanatos very powerful abilities, finisher ult, can be out on his 1 and ult, EXTREMELY SQUIHSY which is main reason he is low.
Ranged Carries:
Xbalanque good poke, good escape, damage is in escape so it’s down sometimes, toggle not very strong, ultimate is countered by simply not moving for a half second
Cupid huge damage potential, wombo combo ult, good ecape/chase, great heals, countered by aegis, target for high damage mages and warriors.
Tier 5: Bad and there are many better versions
Ares high damage, decent cc, completely countered by aegis+beads, not tanky enough
Arachne useless now that early game nerfed, ult easily dodged, spiders are useless late game
Ranged Carries:
Artemis it think everyone already knows artemis is arguably the worst god, super mana hungry, ult is pretty much one 1.5s stun that you cant comntrol who it hits, weak abilities.
If a god is in multiple sections it means they are in between or they differ depending on the team.
this tier list is from september. Mercury wasn't released yet.
Agni is 100% a ban priority. Him and Poseidon are the only mages picked nearly 100% of the time.
Baka is nowhere near ban priority at all. Better junglers are Loki, Ne Zha, Fenrir, and Thor.
I'd definitely put chang'e as a top tier support.
Other than that, I at least agree with who is in your top tier.
im just going to ignore you because you clearly have no clue what you're talking about.
And Anhur may be only picked when the other 2 are banned, but it is in NO WAY because he is bad - they're simply 'better', and Anhur still has comps that he's better in than the other two. He is the 100% best trading ADC in the game, because he reduces physical damage done, and has multiple disrupts - even if he doesn't stun, an impale is still damage, while interrupting auto attacks, plus his sands slow his target enough to not only do increased basic damage, but also slow them to hit them with basics. If he gets even slightly ahead in a trade, his jump can be used offensively to knock them up, and continue auto attacking. He's just, very simply, not bad in any way. He has like the 3rd highest burst in the game with his ult, and simple damage. He just lacks the global presence that neith and apollo have - which is the only reason he's not picked as often. Pretty much the only reason.
Anhur is played pretty much every time either neith or apollo are banned - they just usually aren't. Neith and Apollo are the 2 carries you NEED to have, and bans are usually used on mages, assassin junglers, and possible solo laners, or Sobek. If they DO use a ban on apollo or neith, anhur is almost guaranteed picked up, because Xbal has no CC so he 100% relies on getting fed or he loses lane, Cupid simply falls off and isn't as scary as the others with no straight out steroid except for his escape, and artemis is the easiest carry to gank.
Apollo = Neith
Cupid = Artemis
Anhur definitely picked competitively.
yeah i get that, just saying anhur is only used when apollo and neith are banned/picked because he isn't very good. and btw cupid is so much better than artemis, i think he's better than xbalanque
Apollo = Neith
Cupid = Artemis
Anhur definitely picked competitively.
Baka is nowhere near ban priority at all. Better junglers are Loki, Ne Zha, Fenrir, and Thor.
I'd definitely put chang'e as a top tier support.
Other than that, I at least agree with who is in your top tier.
yeah I know artemis and cupid are much weaker than anhur, you must have read wrong or I have typo
oh, i was talking to the post above me
Let's redo this:
TIER 1: Played if not banned
Mages: Zhong Kui
Warriors: Hercules Thor Tyr
Tanks: Athena Sobek
Support: Chang'e Hel (Links to Tanks)
Assassins: Bakasura Ne Zha Loki
Ranged Carries: None, they are never ever banned.
TIER 2: Played, not often banned
Mages: Poseidon Agni He Bo Chronos Isis Zeus Ao Kuang
Warriors: Vamana Odin Fenrir
Tanks: Bacchus Odin Hades (Again)
Support: (Links to Tanks)
Assassins: Hun Batz Bastet Kali
Ranged Carries: Apollo Neith
TIER 3: Sometimes Played
Mages: Ra Anubis
Warriors: Guan Yu
Tanks: Ymir
Support: (Links to Tanks)
Assassins: Freya
Ranged Carries: Xbalanque Cupid Artemis
Tier 4: Never Played/Banned. Plea.
Mages: Anubis (Great burst little utility)
Tanks: Vulcan. Worst God in the game.
Support: (Links to Tanks)
Assassins: Arachne. Nerfed hard, awful.
Ranged Carries: Anhur. Just no teamfight potential.
The meta has changed and many gods have drifted in and out of viability. This is my list of what gods work and what gods you should NEVER play in ranked. PLEA.
im not gonna change my whole thing because of your opinion lol, i dont agree with most of urs