May 24, 2016

1 Year on SmiteFire + Appreciations!!!

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Even though today is May 24, I am a bit impatient right now and I really want to write this before I forget. Plus all the work I need to do for school. So yea here we go.

One year here and...damn. I became an Editor, managed to be the top Khepri guide (Cricket ftw), made some amazing friends, helped in the creation of the Overreaching Conquest Guide, and tried to help some people on this site. Nevertheless, despite some of the things that may have happened in the past, I do not regret being involved in this site one bit. In fact I feel guilty for not being as involved right now. I have to appreciate all the help I got from my friends, and I just have to mention them one by one.

Stuke - The Warrior Master over here, I always had an exciting time with you, despite some of your anger (eventually I got used to it). The jokes are real with you and you are never afraid to speak what you want to say, and always back it up to the end. I can appreciate that. Your jokes are not one to forget, and the laughter goes on for longer than expected. Thank you for the good times!

Zilby - Seriously though you should be a pro. I look up to you for being that calm voice in the calls, and the smart one in the group. You deserve the 100+ reps man, for being so ******* helpful in the site in general, including helping me. I never stopped looking up to you as the experienced one. I appreciate you being that leader, even in tough times. Thank you for the shared experience!

ThePerfectPrism - Im not waifu material though seriously prism. I wouldnt know what to call you since you are unique, especially for the first person Ive met on the internet that was not in the United States. And I am pretty sure you were the one who brought me to the chat in the first place. I appreciate you for just being a friend and being weirdly awesome. Thank you for being you!

MuffinMan17 - Dude I gotta give you props for making those Overreaching Guides on point. And all those other guides. Despite being waaaaay older than me (its not that big a difference but it feels like it) I am glad to call you friend. You have given me some good sounding advice, and have your share of "nice" jokes. Its fun to teach you the ways of Conquest and some other aspects of Smite my friend. I appreciate you for being that casual person in the chat. Thank you for teaching me how to be laid back sometimes!

Greenevers - You helped me immensely on my Bastet guide, and helped again on my Khepri guide. I have to give you kuddos for helping me with just 1-3 comments. You helped me again when I played with you for the first time in joust. You play so, so well. I wish to play like you in the future, but I might never come close to your skill. I appreciate you for teaching me. Thank you for the guidance!

Ducks - Every time we argue, it never ends in a fight. Just seems like clashing ideas, to an eventual peaceful conclusion. That's despite my past arguments on this site. I like your logic and reasoning, and your crazy ADC plays. Your Skadi is beast man, and every other ADC you play. It's fun to mess around with you though, but I always know you won't take things too seriously, unless it's about ADC build and meta, and even then I look forward to the conversations afterwards. I appreciate your conversations. Thank you for being the guy I can share some of my ideas with!

Devampi - You always present ideas to the table, and despite not playing Smite as much you still know your stuff. I regret not talking to you as much, but timezones dont help with that. You are so chill though, and are probably the most active one on the site then all of us. You help whenever you can and never NEVER miss anything somehow. You are everywhere, and i appreciate your dedication. Thank you for never missing a beat!

And last but not least, and some of you will either be surprised or might hate me a bit, but...

SubZero - No hard feelings for getting your second account banned. Despite your comments being harsh and unforgiving, your criticism was certainly incredibly helpful. I saw your comments as simple critiques, and telling it for what it was, even if kind of vulgar. You brought me to this site, and I have to give it to you for that much. I appreciate your criticism and giving me a backbone to comments like yours. Thank you for bringing me to SmiteFire.

