September 03, 2015

God Idea. Arclight: Embodiment of Power

Views: 2713 GameGeekFan
This might be messy. Also no picture cause that picture is me. I have no idea for base stats you can decide that. Just imagine some dramatic guy with a hoodie.

Screw the passive, he will just be a melee mage attacking with a glass sword.

Passive:Glass World

Arclight learns from his mistakes and adapts to it through his glass world. After an enemy god kills him, he gains protections and power against that enemy according to level. After Arclight kills the enemy god, some of the power and protection are permanently given to him.

Power: 30(+5 according to level)
Protection: 10(+2 according to level.

Power and Protection taken: 10
Max Stacks: 5

Ability 1: Glitch/Hack

Arclight glitches to his target area, dealing damage. If an enemy god is in the target area, they get stunned and take damage. If your ally is in the radius Arclight glitches into them and the ally takes a certain amount of Arclight's defenses for 4 seconds.

If effected by Final Ending, after enemies get stunned they get silenced and slowed for 1 second. Also allies take a percentage of Arclights power.

Damage: 70/140/210/270/330(60% of your total power)
20% protections taken
20% of power given.

Cost: 90

Has many uses and should be your number 1 or 2 ability to level up.

1) A good *** escape.
2) Setting up those kills
3) Main support ability.

If you plan to play support than this helps your teammates a ton. With added protections (and if you have Final Ending even power) you give them the power to kill everything.

Con is that only one person can have it at a time. And only one enemy god can be affected at a time. So is mainly for the squishies or your adc, jungle, mid buddy.

Ability 2: Push/Force

Arclight channels this ability for 1 second that knock back enemies 15 ft and deals damage.

If effected by Final Ending, Arclight channels this for 2 seconds that deals double the damage and knock back enemies 30 ft.

Damage: 80/175/240/320/410(50% of your total power)

Cost 80/90/100/110/120

(cone attack a bit bigger than Thanatos 3)

This is your main damage ability, with a good cc included. For mid and jungle, this will be your (maybe) number one ability to level up. Has a great clear and for pushing your enemy into your tower. Or as support, to keep them away.

Con is that you have to channel it for 1s. If you miss, you might be dead meat.

Ability 3: Gravity/Black Hole

Arclight produces a gravity field in his target area(size of Zeus ult) that pulls enemies to the middle that deals double damage(size of pos whirlpool) This effect lasts for 3 secs. Applies a DoT for every .5 seconds

If effected by Final Ending the whole target area becomes a black hole that deals double damage. Enemies also get crippled for 1 second.

Damage: 10/20/30/40/50(20% of total power)

Cost: 70/90/110/130/150

Another way to clear minions, but also a way to annoy the hell out of your enemies. This is a great ability for teamfights for its massive size.

Con is that the pull (without Final Ending) is not that strong. Think of it like Poseidon. With the ult included its more like Hades.

Ultimate: Final Ending

Arclight fully becomes power itself, and starts to glow with his overwhelming power. After using one ability while under the effect of Final Ending he stops glowing. After he uses his next 3 basic attacks he stops glowing. His next 3 basic attacks gains penetration and he suffers no movement penalty for the duration. If the ultimate is cancelled before doing anything, he explodes the power around him that damages enemies.

As a note, he has to choose between using his ability or next three basic attacks. You cannot choose both. Maybe after using one basic attack he gets silenced?

Damage: 125/250/375/500/650(100% of total power)
Penetration gained: 10/15/30/40/50%


This is the jack of all trades ult. Great for any role. As a note the aoe of the ult is the size of Zhong Kui's ult but a bit smaller (to not make it op)

This also goes well if you wanna basic attack heavy Arclight. This ult gives you extra pen and the movement speed as a bonus.

Con is...well you have to plan. You really have to plan ahead. Cause you cannot cancel this out, if you do you waste it. Also the basic attacks include ALL basic attacks. You cant miss.

He is meant to be a hybrid of almost everything. As power he can control and damage his enemies at will while helping his allies.

Main Combos

Use Gravity in a teamfight to pull them all together. If they trying to take a tower then use Final Ending and Force to put them all in.

Use Hack for an escaping enemies and Gravity to keep on attacking them (If you plan to basic attack in the first place)

Arclight brings alot of CC to the table but also allows enormous power to the players to do whatever they want. He can fill in any role well and be badass the whole time.


Tons of CC
Good AoE and Damage


Most of his abilities rely on his ult to be damaging
Abilities have to be planned out to be useful.

Completely viable in any matchup with the ability to fill in any role at once. (Except maybe adc)