July 23, 2014

Balancing Discussion

Views: 1725 Jordenito
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balance  |  balance discussion  |  god balance  |  smite balance  | 
So, yeah... I'm back from my vacation.


The Balancing Discussion has come online, and we need as many people as we can. I don't want it to be just me and Sub and the occasional additional person. I want as many participants as possible.

More people = more ideas = better diversity & varied opinions = better balance.

We are still discussing the first god, which is Arachne. Though, there is a rumor she is getting a rework / buff. Nonetheless, we have started her, so we'll finish.

Please come and join the discussion. please. PLEASE!

P.S - F*** my country, I might not be able to go to my exhibition to the U.S because of the war...