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MechaBowser's Blog
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April 25, 2013
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Carry  |  Support
A lot of times I find that new players want advice on which Gods they should play. Now, usually my first response is always Ymir. He's tanky, he's relatively easy mode at early levels, and he's been viable in upper level play pretty much since the outset of the game. But then I started to wonder, why do my teammates, that usually play carry, not think he's a good first god? Why can't they see how easy he is to play? And then it dawned on me: I always play support.

From the perspective of any good player, you will pretty much always notice they're more or less competent with pretty much any role and any god. Assault, in fact, is popular for that reason, because people get a chance to perfect skills with gods they don't normally play, but they still have a decent amount of understanding and knowledge to play. But at the end of the day, if you're playing a game you want to win, you usually have a role and a god that is your fall back, your main so to speak. What I have also noticed, thou…
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April 16, 2013
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Balance  |  Discussion  |  Forums
If you don't like reading, check out the link at the bottom, it gets the most important point across, if not all of it.

Since the dawning of Aeon of Strife, MOBA's have always been puzzling over the issue of balance. At any given time, there are always top tier and bottom tier characters (or in the case of a good MOBA, Gods ;)). Inevitably, this leads to arguments on every forum, every facebook page and patch notes reveal, every live commentary, as to which god's are over- and under-powered. All players have their own opinion on what makes a given God strong, and because most players (I'm assuming) are humans, we carry biases.

For starters, most MOBA players will have a warped view of Gods they are personally very good at, or have invested a large amount of time in. For myself, Ymir has always been the individual I know I can't evaluate objectively. He has been a solid go to God for me since the beginning, and when someone implies that maybe Ymir's stun shouldn't have been buffed to …
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April 15, 2013
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Etiquette  |  Griefing  |  Teamwork
As my first blog post, I thought I'd touch on a topic that I feel like any player, brand new or hardened veteran, can gain something from.

Although this is my first time posting a blog on SmiteFire, I've been playing for little bit over 8 months now, and when it comes to etiquette I've seen the best and the worst of smite players. Obviously, in the beginning, as most people do, I struggled to learn a new MOBA with an entirely different control system on play style. Inevitably, this led to some very poor games on my part. this was absolutely a learning experience for me, not only because I had not played Smite before, but I also wasn't used to the attitudes of some of the upper level players.

And I found out quickly, sometimes they are poor attitudes. Very poor.

Since then I would like to think I've progressed significantly, as most people would with a significant amount of time invested. I watch streams, I design team compositions and builds, I play with specific friends and associa…
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