I learned a lot from

- Artemis mid experience is fun, but you will lost a tower first before your enemy mid does. Plus most of all this will not work all the time, even if you have the jungler
- Duo jungler with
Osiris. I have to admit this is the most fun role i played, warding and ganking with
Artemis is just plain surprise to the enemy of course. Everyone thinks
Osiris will gank so they prepared the escape for him, but the unexpected
Artemis gank is just fun. But still will not work on most games...
- During the adventures with her, i've met 2 decent supports who really feed me for kills and sacrifice all their abilities to save me. They were morillas2001 which is spanish and never steal kills he only get kills when he needs to, he was awesome, and there is acu12345 which is a great rotating support and an immense team presence all the time.
Only Pentargonite, FerrumSlash and Ducksrock smitefire members that i happened to play iwth on this grinding adventures.
FINAL THOUGHTS - I do got the legendary

So that means just laugh at them and let them report you and after the match just forget them and play on. normally you won't get banned.
What I sometimes do is play with them while being very nice to them and try to let them get as harassing and aggressive as possible ending up in you give them a report for harassing. And yours has a higher chance of getting those guys banned.
Yeah, but she doesn't even look like
Idk most goddesses remind me of her. Guess because there all sexual.
Oh and she resembles her for the hair, Also in her skin. Put ariana in a cowboy suit and you would never touch artemis again.
Well, Ariana Grande is really creepy, And i don't want to see anything that resembles her in smite.
If you don't know why do i hate her, Just search Break free on youtube and you'll see what she became.
Eeew so disgusting!
Yeah, but she doesn't even look like
Lol i feel deep judgement on you to
Well, Ariana Grande is really creepy, And i don't want to see anything that resembles her in smite.
If you don't know why do i hate her, Just search Break free on youtube and you'll see what she became.
Eeew so disgusting!
For some reason she reminds me of the child nick stars. Especially Ariana Grande. This is why i dont play her anymore.
Lol i feel deep judgement on you to
Let me reword that.
When you autolocked that *****
If they report me for being a noob in a certain role in conquest, laugh, and let them report me. (Means in Smite, experienced players will trash noobs in conquest who is willingly to learn). As for Lol, noobs are troll that aren't willingly to learn but just to feed.
That's how i understand his post :/
report you for being a noobie what a laugh let them. as in LoL and some other games I haven't seen actions taken against this. because mostly they can see noobnes from trolling.
report you for being a noobie what a laugh let them. as in LoL and some other games I haven't seen actions taken against this. because mostly they can see noobnes from trolling.