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MrPorkchop's Blog
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November 08, 2016
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A few months ago with Ra, I was in a jousting match on SMITE for PS4. One of my teammates were dead and the other was fighting two of their teammates. He managed to bring them down half health, and was still holding up. While this was happening I was stealing their mana buff. Then I saw he was starting to die so I got the buff and came over but stayed on the other side of the wall. Then since the were shown on map, I could see through the wall so I timed it out when I could use my ultimate, Searing Pain, and ended up hitting and killing both of them in one shot. After a little wile longer, we ended up winning and, after I got back to the main menu one of my teammates sent my a message say something along the lines of "Holy ****, a double kill through the wall?! You're awesome." I saw this and felt proud of myself since I felt like I wasn't that good good at the game but right then I did great. 👍👍👍

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November 07, 2016

First day here

Views: 1797 MrPorkchop
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Ok so, this is my first time making a build/guide, and so far it seems people like it, well, no one has said they did not like it, so that's cool.

I was first just thinking that I would only do guides, but then I saw this and decided that I will do this too, because I have WAY too much time on my hands, and I needed something to do.
I am thinking that I will just do little posts on this; like just cool little things I did that day, such as a 20-0 kill ratio or something. If you do not see things for a while, it either means nothing really great happened, or I just didn't feel like typing. But if your interested in that kind of stuff stay tuned for some content.

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