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overld1's Blog
Blog Posts: 41     Views: 74019     Comments: 283
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October 04, 2017

Love for Fighting Games

Views: 1173 overld1
I know you guys probably know quite a bit about me through the time I been here. There's one thing you guys / gals don't know about me. I love fighting games when I mean love them I mean it. I been playing fighting games since I was 7 on the PS2 my first fighting game is actually DOA2. After playing that game I fell in love with the genre. My love started to go crazy when the 360 came along. There I played MvC:2, Injustice, Street Fighter 4, Tekken Tag Tournament 2, and MK9. Now on current gen I'm playing quite bit of fighting games. Killer Instinct I fell in love for. I also played Injustice 2, DOA5, MvC:3, MKX, and now playing MvC:I. Out of all these games I played I have to say the I'm probably best at is KI. The tutorial in that game is so good is claimed as the best tutorial in fighting game history. So I just wanted to share that I really love fighting games and I can't wait for the next DLC for MvC:I.

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August 31, 2017
So almost everyone here know that my activity would decline over the next year due to college prepping and school, but I want to still do things on this site. So I thought of something that I'll do if I have the time to kill. So i thought about to review and talk about your guides. I like to do this, but I don't do enough of it. So if any of you guys want myself to review and talk about your guide just leave a comment here or PM me if you want me to review it. So I hope I still make a difference with this blog, so go ahead send me a link to your guide and I'll talk about it.

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August 18, 2017

My Current Status

Views: 1988 overld1
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So you've been wondering when I vanished to for the past couple months. So let me talk about my status. So I finally started my last year of High-school earlier this week. I hit my 2 year anniversary with SMITE on July 30th, yes I know it's really late but I still want to mention it. So this year is going to be important for me due to creeping slowly to College that I already decided what college I want to go to. So this year is going to be hiatus due to School and preparing for College. But still expect me to be on this site I will still comment and drop in from time to time. Probably work on guides as well from time to time, but utter mostly my activity on site for around a year is going to decline. But when College comes around expect me on this site more frequently. It just determines when I begin and how many classes and how much work am I going to bring in my first semester. Don't worry I'm not done with SMITE nor done with this fabulous site and community we have here. So I hope…
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June 08, 2017

I'm finally free

Views: 1693 overld1
So today was the final day of school for me for 9 weeks. So that means I'm able to game for a quite bit of time for the next 9 weeks. So if you guys want to add me and play with me on SMITE on PC or Xbox we could easily do some games. For people that haven't seen my signature at all I'll put my IGN's right here.

PC IGN: overld1
XB1 Tag: overld1

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May 16, 2017
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S2 Joust
Just a quick little blog I have here today just discussing the old joust back in the day. I absolutely loved old joust. That was the map and game mode that got me into SMITE. I can't tell how much fond memories I have playing on old joust. I got my first Triple Kill on that map. My first godlike was on that map. And of course my first mastered god was on that map and is probably obvious who it was. I just want to here from the veterans of SMITE that lived through S2 and late S1 playing on that joust map.

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