August 03, 2017

Double Worshipers & God Stats

Views: 4523 Papa Murmz
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Is it just me or does Double Worshipers get under anyone else's skin? Don't get me wrong, it's a cool concept to help people rank up their Gods faster, but it seriously F%$#s up my God Stats!

Generally, I've never been the guy to care about my stats in any game, but for some reason, I care a lot about them in Smite. I know you can shut God Stats off on your Loading Screen, but that's the glory of having good stats, is to have people fear you on the loading screen alone, right? Nothing is worse than seeing an Ah Puch with 3k kills.

I tend track my progress with by setting quotas for myself, such as, 100 Kills per rank, with the hopes that at Rank X I will have 1k kills. Which is going fairly well with my Ne Zha project right now...587 kills, 593 assist w/ a 2.28 KD at Rank VI, but, have players like Johnny F%$&#*& Appleseed who pop into your game, instalock Loki, and activate a Worshiper Boost after you lock-in! Not to mention, I feel like HiRez makes every weekend Double Worshipers now, which sucks because it seriously deters me from playing the Gods I want to play like Ne Zha.

I just feel like Double Worshipers take away from the meaning of Rank X, in a sense, takes away its exclusivity, you know? Maybe I'm overthinking the whole Double Worshiper situation, and harping too much on my God Stats, but that's how I feel.