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Pentargonite's Blog
Blog Posts: 13     Views: 33979     Comments: 175
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January 20, 2015

Byebye everyone :(

Views: 5584 Pentargonite
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As some of you may have noticed I have been very inactive the past few months. Reason being I simply lost interest in Smite. So why stick around here if I don't even play the game it's about :P?

I tried sticking around just for the community, but I found myself simply not posting anything. I also just want to make clear that I won't be leaving because of anybody, I'm simply leaving because of my lack of interest in Smite.

I probably will log on once in a while and see what's going on, but that'll probably be about once a week.

Thanks everyone for the amazing year on here :)!

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November 16, 2014
Just noticed I got 60 rep, which means I'm prominent!
I also almost got 2k posts, so yay me!

Been here for about 10 months now, and although I've been less active the last few weeks, I've been really loving it here. You guys, with the exception of a few of course, are awesome peoples!
And of course I'll mention everyone here because I've got nothing to do with my time :D

TormentedTurnip: Hail master Turnip! Seriously though, he's an awesome guy, always being extremely friendly and helpful to everyone.
Raventhor: You're basically TT the 2nd, which is good I guess. I've always kinda looked up to you, since you always seem so smart :3
HiFromBuddha: You'll always be the anime/cartoon guy for me.

Jordenito: I miss you bb :(
Razemage: Like Raven is TT number 2, you're HiFromBuddha number 2. Sorry ^^

BestMinionEver: Because of this guy I stayed on smitefire and kept playing Smite, he basically taught me everything. If he didn't mentor me I would've never stayed here. Luv u bb <3
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September 28, 2014

Me & Smite/Gaming

Views: 3102 Pentargonite
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?  |  ...  |  #yolo?  |  Don't  |  guess  |  here  |  I  |  I'M  |  know  |  LOOK  |  me  |  miss  |  MOM  |  nah  |  nvm  |  ON  |  probably  |  put  |  really  |  So  |  that  |  to  |  TV!  |  what  |  won't  |  yeah  |  you'll
So ever since I came back from my trip to Australia I never played Smite like I used to. I dunno why, it's just... lost it's excitement I guess.... Some of you might have noticed (probably not) but you won't be seeing me on Smite anymore. Only to check out some patches I guess.

Of course I will stay on Smitefire, cuz you guys are just that awesome (with an exception of a few idiots who necro and post dumb things -_-).

I've also noticed I lost interest in most games. Again, I dunno why. I got like 20 games in my steam library, but none of them interests me like they used to. Now I'm kinda looking for hobbies other than table tennis (#say no to tha haters). It's a lot harder than I expected tbh....

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September 11, 2014

This luck is amazing

Views: 2082 Pentargonite
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Seriously. What the ****.
I am subscribed to Suntouch on twitch and after like half a month and I decided to watch instead of play myself. I join and they're doing a sub giveaway!
Well guess what, 30 seconds after I joined I won.
I was blown away, and I didn't even know what I won.

I won 3500 gems :DDD
But I bought 1500 yesterday....
Anyway, yay me and yay suntouch :D

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August 29, 2014

Found the best song parody ever

Views: 2787 Pentargonite
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My feelings going into the new school year.

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