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PotatoFlavah's Blog
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September 01, 2015

Best Guide Evah to... (PART 5)

Views: 1449 PotatoFlavah
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Hello and welcome to my guide to Xing Tian *echo in background* Xing Tian. Today you will learn how to be good at chests okay,

Step 1: Okay, Level abilities. you wont be able to play without them. (ellipses) so get some?

Step 2: Throw people, you wont be able to kill if you dont throw people... so go find a people

Step 3: Channel the power of cosmic energy and eat your adc. you and your adc will be combined and will fight together.

Step 4: Dont give your adc kills. Ur adc don't need no kill. take em for yourself

Thanks for being good. I make very good guide daily I tend to be on point with my guides. People always message me thanking me for my guides. Anyways, go be a stomach guy.

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June 18, 2015

Best Guide Evah to... (Part 4)

Views: 1192 PotatoFlavah
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420BLAZEIT  |  GLUE  |  GUUD  |  Role  |  SNIFFING  |  W33D
Hello and welcome to my guide to Chests *echo in background* Chests chests. Today you will learn how to be good at chests okay,

Step 1: Okay, Get some gems. You need gems to get chests (ellipses) so ummm get some?

Step 2: Check out the chests. You need to find a skin you want... so go find a chest

Step 3: Channel the power of cosmic energy, you need to do this to get that special item.

Step 4: Get good at items. u need to get good... how do you do so? Well, you get more gems and retry over and over till you succeed goodly...

Thanks for being good. I make very good guide daily I tend to be on point with my guides. People always message me thanking me for my guides. Anyways, go be a good uhhh... skin?

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June 14, 2015

Best Guide Evah to... (PART 3)

Views: 1222 PotatoFlavah
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awpTikGermin  |  COMP  |  Dinnersaurs  |  EZ  |  ROLES
Hello and welcome to my guide to Roles *echo in back* Roles Roles. Here you will learn how to call roles in 4 easy steps okay,

Step one: Choose a role. You need a role so, choose one 4 you...

Step 2: If a person calls "solo" before you do, hurry and call "mid". And if he calls that before you... Well you already have a support so he will get both roles, and you will get none.

Step 3: choose a god that is appropriate to your role. (E.g. Anubis isn't a support). If you do manage to "break the meta" you might get blamed for your loss...

Step 4:Make sure u stay in lane and help your team. Then you can log off and get back to your pathetic life!

Thanks for being good. I make very good guide daily I tend to be on point with my guides. People always message me thanking me for my guides. Anyways, go be a good uhhh... person?

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June 13, 2015


Views: 913 PotatoFlavah
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Great  |  Smellies  |  Swaggity  |  Swiggity
Hello today you will learn how to play Neith in 4 simple steps, okay

Step 1: Okay, use your 1 next to people that you want dead

Step 2: Use your 2

Step 3: Basic attack people

Step 4: If you want to steal a kill, use your ultimate on people to get them dead.

thanks for being good. I make very good guide daily I tend to be on point with my guides. People always message me thanking me for my guides. Anyways, go be a good Neith.

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June 13, 2015

Best Guide Evah to...

Views: 3179 PotatoFlavah
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Hello, and welcome to my guide to Zeus *echo in back* Zeus Zeus. Here you will learn in 4 easy steps how to be Zeus... okay,

Step 1. Okay use your chain lightning and hit on on the people next to other people

Step 2: Uhh auto attack people

Step 3: Use your 3

Step 4: If you are ever upset, just use your ultimate and run away and be upset somewhere else.

thanks for being good. I make very good guide daily I tend to be on point with my guides.
People always message me thanking me for my guides. Anyways, go be a good Zeus

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