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Rainkiro's Blog
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May 10, 2014

So busy

Views: 2564 Rainkiro
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I am back after a long break mainly cause I've been so busy, that i can barely even squeeze time in to log on to Smite to actually play. My question is, isn't it annoying being so busy that you don't get to play when you want to? Or something pops at at the most terrible times. I haven't had the chance to update the Smite client. I hate being busy but to anyone that I said I'll add you and hopefully get an invite to the group lol.

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April 29, 2014


Views: 2659 Rainkiro
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As like 2 people know, my name is Rain. I started playing Smite in early march and have fallen in love with it. But there's one thing that bugs me, I have come across trashy and very rude players during my almost 2 months of playing. These people have no respect for other gamers and it bothers me to see gamers going against other gamers. Us as gamers are a community ranging from noob to pro and its our job to help any new players or even just guide them in the right direction. Then there's the rude guys who when you die once all hell breaks loose and you automatically a noob and you need to learn to play and stop feeding them, and then they make it worse by using inappropriate language and belittling you every moment they can. Now I know this is frustrating cause it frustrates me but sometimes you have to remember it's just a game. I guess what I'm saying is don't talk down to people in games just cause your mad and definitely do not initiate an argument. This will only feed the trolls…
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