March 04, 2015

How SMITE and SMITEfire Has Changed Me

Views: 3249 RazeMage
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Ah, i just want to do some nostalgia. You know, a lot of people have come and gone from and to SMTIEfire. It's just so touching to think about it.

I first play SMITE when I saw a video in SMOSHgames. Sohinki and Lasercorn was just playing it for fun and when i saw the video it seemed fun. So i tried to download it. I always have a thing for bow and arrow so my first god that i played was Neith who is until now is still my favorite god. I was so "confused" about how to play even after i play the tutorial. It just feels so weird to me even if i already played DOTA. But when i slept that night, i couldn't wait to wake up and try it even more.

Anyway, i don't remember how i got to SMITEfire, but whatever did happen, i got here. I think it was from the list of site in the game. The first one that i was interested to play was Ra and Ymir. When i saw the guide in SMITEfire i was so confused, like what the hell is that. Though, to think about it, it was fun when you were confused. It felt like you were adventuring an unknown land. Blablabla, skip forward a week and I became to understand things and guides at SMITEfire

There are a lot of old members that i still remembered. Maybe not too old as the start of SMITEfire, but when SMITEfire became more popular. My old post was so stupid that time. I even have some old PM that shows how noob i was XD. It was fun though to see those.

Anyway, i was so "inspired" by ragingstorm. He was the only one with a title at that time (i didn't know where buddha was at that time). My dream was to try to get that title ASAP, so i did things. I make guides, pretty much of it. Now let's compare my old guides (fenrir, ne zha) to my new guides (janus, bellona). It looks so different lol. But people praise me for the bad guide that i had. Right now, i laughed so hard at it..

By the way, many people are promoted at that time (Sunfall, Comicbookguy, Elgrizz) and it even makes me want to have a title even more. It was so funny.

Okay, i'm gonna stop a while here. I'm sorry that my english is so bad and the paragraphing is so weird. It's 10 pm now and i'm stressed out because of homework and competition.

Btw, let's not talk too much about details. All in all, SMITEfire has changed me a lot. The guide writing improved my English a lot. Right now, i'm obssesed with writing novel in wattpad (nicname : razemage if you want to read). I also become more talkative. Before SMITEfire, i am so quiet at school. Right now, even though i'm "bullied" i am pretty talkative and people recognized me as one of the best gamer in class. Finally, the biggest problem that SMITEfire has helped me is about coming out. By meeting someone i met here, i became able to come out to my parents and to some of my friends, which makes my burden becomes much less. It just feels so good. It also feels good that people here are so accepting. It just makes me feels good.

So, even if i rarely post anything in here, it still feels like home. To be honest, everytime i open my browser, i always press the key S and press enter and see what happen in smitefire. It feels like home. I couldn't leave it even if I don't play SMITE so much as before. I love all of you guys.....

Once again, sorry for the bad paragraphing and grammar mistakes. Cya