April 10, 2017

Celestial Voyage 4.5 Quest Answer Keys (SPOILERS)

Views: 3600 RonPerlas
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celestial voyage  |  4.5  |  Hi-Rez  |  Smite  |  Answer Keys
Hello people, since console players just receive the 'Celestial Voyage 4.5'. I thought why not make an answer key for those people who don't have time to grind and guess which one is the answer. I'm here to help.

You've been warned, again. Spoiler Ahead, if you don't care then proceed.

Celestial Voyage Answer Keys!

You must activate them in order to get the rewards. I really like this event I hope Hi-Rez keep doing this in every events. Comment if you agree! I hope you find this helpful console players! :)

Happy Gaming

- Ron Perlas

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