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SorenNoKitsune's Blog
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March 27, 2017

Been a while!

Views: 1077 SorenNoKitsune
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Hey there guys! Been a while, I haven't been active lately due to college and all that stuff. BUT I will be continuing to update my Ratatoskr guide as well as starting a new one as well, maybe Ne Zha or Nemesis, still undecided there.

Maybe even Zhong Kui as well cause I've been using him recently when 4.4 hit Console, which he's MUCH better than before! More so than PC right now because of the bugged Expose Evil on PC at the moment, which will be fixed with the 4.5 patch when released on Tuesday.

Anyway, keep an eye out as I will be going on my 'Spring Break' (or Easter Holidays as we call it here) at the of the week, can't wait for that! Other than that, good to be back!

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January 14, 2017

Anchor BBCoding?

Views: 1821 SorenNoKitsune
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Like the title says, how does the anchor code actually work? It's for my Ratatoskr guide so it makes it easier to navigate. Just where and how do I put it in at the end? And which one?

Like does "anchor=Pros / Cons" go at the end of the 'Base Stats' chapter?

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