December 30, 2013


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Update  |  Guide  |  Jungle  |  Insanity  |  Athena  |  Promise  |  YEAH!!!  |  youisrockstar
I finished my Athena jungle guide. It was awesome, very nostalgic, much ***kicking. It lacks a matchups section and a counterjungling section, but those will come in time.

Of course, I edited the Insane Jungler's Guide. I'd appreciate it if people could take a look at both. (And maybe tell me if I did something wrong, because I know that typing anything past 1 AM is likely to produce mistake.)

This will sound rash, but I'm making a promise here: Each and every one of my jungle guides would be viable in League play. That's a promise. I will have played them in league, used them in league, and won matches with them in league. And I'm not talking about League of Legends.

So, what jungler guide shall I make next? I wish I could put a poll or something here. (I'm going to try to alternate between making new guides and revamping old ones.)