Telepath: Support/Control Mage.
Telepath is a highly versatile, utility-focused mage who can fulfill multiple roles in a team. His untraditional debuffs and crowd-control give him a plethora of options in a fight, and although his damage is not high, he can make up for it with careful use of his Dominate and Architect of Thought abilities.
In-lane, Telepath functions as a powerful mid laner who can avoid being pushed out with Dominate, and usable waveclear in Traumatize. Thoughtseize can be useful harass, but his skills are limited to baiting the enemy into fighting in a group of Dominated minions.
In teamfights, Telepath absolutely needs control of the battlefield to function. An empowered minion wave lets him become a devastating siegeing force, and Traumatize can be a devastating control spell against an entire team. His ultimate is perhaps the single trickiest ability to use in the entire game (zero exaggeration), but it can be a devastating blow against the enemy team and force…
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