January 11, 2014


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confession  |  guan yu  |  tyr  |  solo  |  league  |  ifeelbad
I have a confession to make: I took trolling too far.

I have a friend, sorta, goes by Megustabro. He's a incredibly skilled solo laner.

I happened to meet him in a match, and my team decided to fool the enemy team by going Ymir solo and Guan support. I don't know if he was fooled from the beginning and if my own contribution had no effect, but I whispered to him that I (Guan) was solo, and I'd be facing him.

He wished me good luck, and I could see he bought mystical mark. Then he died to Ymir in a few minutes. I felt really, really bad.

We won, but I felt kind of hollow. I just wanted to get that off my chest.