On another note, Nu Wa guide has been updated slightly. Expanded teamfight/splitpushing section, expanded items (including demonic grip), added more emphasis on basic attacks.
One more thing: I tried getting

I'm having trouble with the matchups, since jungler rarely directly engage someone like in mid lane or solo. I guess I could give a list of enemy junglers, but no one is that aggressive in casual. Any tips?
And trust me, I feel you on big projects. I fear this whole 'introduction to smite' won't get done. I've had it archived for so long, I just...don't feel like dealing with it xD
Wait your Nu Wa guide is for jungling?
*sighing intensifies*
My suggestion would be to describe how to gank various mids and solo lanes, and state who you gank well with (that is, people with easy to land, even if it's bad, CC, with high burst, so that you can land a follow up Flame Strike while they burst them down)
Soo...yeah. How to gank who, and how hard they are to gank, and who synergizes well.
You didn't see the title...or the heading...or the content...or even the starting items. *sobs* ;_;
Thanks for the input. I should add that later, but I don't think it should completely replace the standard matchups. Maybe I should index every god, and see how that works out. A big project, to be sure.
(I hope that was a joke. Was the sighing meaning that you were joking about not know it was a jungle guide?)
*sighing intensifies*
My suggestion would be to describe how to gank various mids and solo lanes, and state who you gank well with (that is, people with easy to land, even if it's bad, CC, with high burst, so that you can land a follow up Flame Strike while they burst them down)
Soo...yeah. How to gank who, and how hard they are to gank, and who synergizes well.
You should probably make sure it's readily noticeable that it's supposed to be a joke guide. I think the edits made it a tad...unknown :P
I like the damage on flame strike, by the way, but the use of Clay Soldiers to dodge skillshots is beautiful. They're a skillshot block. Mastering the reaction to use them is beautiful ;)
No tips on the last topic, though, because to be completely honest, I don't understand it much. >.>