December 14, 2013

I Have Seen The Abyss

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playerbase  |  feeding  |  trolling  |  WTF  |  ranked  |  elohell
The abyss is bronze league.

I filled in as Ymir, and alarm bells began ringing in my head as our He Bo didn't say anything and just picked him and locked.

Hades called solo, Agni called mid, and our Thanatos called jungle. I was the tank.

He Bo didn't move until minions have spawned, and about ten seconds after leaving base, he started moving toward the solo lane. I, Ymir, was stuck in the duo lane against Neith and Sobek.

To be clear, we had all chosen our roles except He Bo. The only open slot was duo, and I thought he would be the duo.

Our Hades wasn't doing great either. His starting items? Rank 3 meditation and Mark of the Vanguard. His first item bought on his first recall? Sprint.

Our Thanatos was also being a toxic douchebag, saying he'll report us all, he couldn't believe this was ranked, uninstall, etc etc. Right out of the book.

We surrendered at 15, since some thought we could actually win.

There is an Elo hell, and I have seen it, and gazed into its depths. *dramatic music*

Okay, in all seriousness, I have a quandary:

I could try to carry by being the jungler/solo/mid, but about half the time someone picks it before me. I don't want to be toxic and instalock into the role and force them to be something else, but I don't really see another way to advance. Should I be more aggressive?