January 08, 2014

I Need Advice - League

Views: 1138 Subzero008
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League  |  Ranked  |  Conquest  |  Advice  |  Imsofucked
I've played 18 league games this season. Won 6, lost 12.

The first few games went great.

Then, for some reason, about a few days ago, every single match became laggy as ***. Rubberbanding, teleporting enemies, etc. As a jungler, which is an important role, I can't play like this. Every time I play Thanatos, I can't hit with any skillshots, and I've accidentally walked into towers way too often for my liking. Same for every other god.

I don't know what to do. My internet is fine. I've had good matches before. I'm sick of losing because I walk into walls or end up wasting time because I've been basic attacking a patch of air to the right of the mid furies.

I think I have enough experience with this game to say that if I weren't laggy, I could win. At the very least, I wouldn't lose 10 games in a row.

If I play more games, I'll inevitably get into laggy matches and continue my loss streak. Currently, my next win score will give me 120 points. To even go up, I'll need to win over 10 games in a row. If I don't play, I'm looking at a demotion.

What do I do?