March 07, 2015

Odin Rework

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I've been in a state of ennui recently. Dawngate died. I literally cannot play Smite due to some weird glitch where the game is apparently already installed when it isn't. LoL and HOTS are there, I guess, but I've been feeling really weird playing those.

Anyway, I've made literally two posts in the past two weeks and haven't bothered to check on them because, ennui. A state of listlessness and dissatisfaction arising from a lack of occupation or excitement. (Or at least when it comes to MOBAs - MTG's lore is always nice, BoI Rebirth's going well, almost Plat God, and it's always nice to wreck people in Pokemon Showdown and Smash FG.)

Blah blah. I've not been working on the Dissecting Smite things as often as I could have, or should. So, as a thought experiment, I thought, what if [God] was made in Dawngate?

Here's the results.


Passive: The Allfather: Whenever you use an ability, you gain a 15/20/25/30/35/40% attack speed aura (40-feet wide) for five seconds. More interesting than a twerking copy of Xbal's passive.

1: Lunge: Leaps and deals 120/140/160/180/200 damage (+50% of physical power). If you hit an opponent, your next basic attack becomes a dash with 35 range that deals 60/70/80/90/100 (25% of your physical power) damage. Because this skill is boring, and two gap closers makes your ultimate more reliable than "you leap in, enemies leap away." Cooldown: 15 seconds.

2: Shield Thingy: Shields for 80/130/180/230/270 (+25% of your physical power). Nearby allies are shielded for half. Taking hits while shielded reduces your cooldowns by 0.5 seconds per hit. Cooldown: 15 seconds.

3: Spin to Win: Holds up to two charges. 6 second cooldown. Deals 40/65/90/115/140 damage (+50% of your physical power), slowing enemies hit by 50% for 1.5 seconds. You could consider this both burst and sustained damage.

4: The Wallfather: Create ring of honor that lasts for five seconds. Your cooldowns run 50% faster while in the ring - that means your cooldowns get reduced at 1.5x the rate, so a 4.5 second cooldown would take three seconds - or in other words, you gain 33% CDR that stacks multiplicatively. Cooldown: 120/100/80 seconds.

So yeah.