My Sun Wukong guide has been updated with the addition of a ganking and roaming/rotating section, though the latter isn't pretty.
Now for the rant.
Okay, I think I can say with a certain amount of confidence that my guides are pretty good. But I really question sometimes, what constitutes an upvote and what makes a downvote.
An unfortunate truth is that some of us have already formed our opinion of a guide by looking at the opinions of others. That is why 'fads' and 'trends' exist, since people like following a leader.
Another truth is that there are some hidden gems that are locked away because people would rather look at the guide with 10 votes and 5 bars rather than the guide with 3 votes and 4. Then that 'top' guide eventually swells to popularity, despite being lower in quality than the guide below it.
I'll be honest here. I was looking at the top Sun Wukong guide when I thought this up.
tl;dr version: I think people need to stop mindlessly clicking on the top guide, and look around a little, form your own opinion. Just a thought.
As a more serious reply, though, I think the idea itself is good. I think the main .fire site has something called a "Scout" system. Users whose role is to search for guides that exceed expectations and give special upvotes to them.
I think one way to solve the problem would be a special rating system, rated by professionals, aka non-regular users on this site. So there would be two ways of gauging quality: The regular vote/bars system, and the special rating system from Editors and such.