January 04, 2014

Updates, Progress Report

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Guides  |  Update  |  Nu Wa  |  Jungling  |  Insane  |  Athena  |  Guan Yu
I missed this last time, but I updated the Nu Wa guide with an expanded counterjungling section (added dueling), and a heavily reworked and expanded (both content-wise and visually) teamfights section.

The Handbook has now included an Invasion section, although it refers to post-level 1-2 invasion, as well as a Contesting Camps section.

I also explained the pros and cons of the example builds in the Athena guide, added initiation to the teamfight section, the rest of the actives, and added a little tidbit about what buffs are best.
Boring Guide Maker Thing

As for the Prog Report, the Guan Yu guide is coming along fine. I've got a build, got the framework for the guide, found a cool image*. I just need to finalize things by playing a few ranked games with him, before writing it. Here's a small preview:

Er, also, if any of you are new to Nu Wa/Athena jungle, can you take a look at my guide and try it? That kind of thing makes for excellent feedback, as theorycrafting can only take you so far.

*The most important step, naturally