February 01, 2015

Introduction to Differential Equations

Views: 4722 TormentedTurnip
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We  |  gon'  |  do  |  math  |  1
RazeMage wrote:

TT should make a blog every week, titled "Learning Math with TT"

HiFromBuddha wrote:

I prefer: "WE GON DO MATHS NIGGA with TormentedTurnip"

Welp, let's get started, then! I'm probably going to do a blog about the major concepts I've learned in my differential equations class roughly a week before each test. These summarized notes I've tried to write in a way that will be approachable (compared to the abomination that is my textbook), but if you don't have an understanding of the basic concepts of Calculus 1 I think you will have a hard time. If you can follow it to an extent, I'd be grateful for any questions you have - teaching (or, at least, attempting to teach) the material is probably the best way to master it. And I really want to get an A in this course haha.

Anyways, here we go! I wasn't quite sure whether to start with Classifying differential equations or comparing them to algebraic equations, but decided on starting with classification. So it might be easier to start with the second spoiler.

Classification of Differential Equations

Differential Equations

Methods 1-3 of Solving Differential Equations

Direction Fields

Modeling (Fixed Volume Tank Version)

Numerical Approximation, Convergence, And Error Analysis

Exact Equations and Integration Factors