As for the guide itself, Piederman, the author of the top rated guide here, has given me the templates of his own guide, so expect it to be really helpful. If you have any codes you'd like to share, please don't hesitate to send them to me and I'll be sure to credit you.
Probable Delay on BBCoding Guide
Views: 1689 TormentedTurnipAs for the guide itself, Piederman, the author of the top rated guide here, has given me the templates of his own guide, so expect it to be really helpful. If you have any codes you'd like to share, please don't hesitate to send them to me and I'll be sure to credit you.
A tool to help format guides and comments. You can find a brief overview here.
So many flashy numbers and letters it just confused me lol as always "tanks" for the help :D