September 18, 2017
New god, Lofn
Views: 1031
Title: Godess of Forbidden loves
Pantheon: Norse
Type: Ranged, Magical
Class: Guardian
Pros: High Helping
Difficulty: Hard

Lofn is the Goddess of forbidden loves - any romantic love that is forbidden or frowned upon by family, clan, or society. Her name means "permission", and she can be invoked to get rid of shame around one's forbidden desires. She also facilitates lovers in coming together, and protects them from the wrath of others. While she may not change the minds of the disapproving, she helps star-crossed lovers find a way to be together safely and create their own hearth where the vision is more tolerant.
Lofn is so gentle and so good to invoke that she has permission from Odin, The All-Father or Frigg to arrange unions between men and women, even if earlier offers have been received and unions have been banned.
To release Sjöfn from her magical chains, Lofn was forced to travel to Svartalfheim and make deals with dark Elves. With each deal she got closer to success, but lost more of herself, her soul and heart, until she was as cold and cruel as they were. Her friend tried to remind her of their friendship and love but Lofn craved only power by then, no longer caring about the pain she inflicted on her partner. One drunken night she traded her friend away for treasure, and only in loneliness realized her mistake the next day. When she finally managed to find Sjöfn, it was too late. She too had chosen to drink the dark wine that numbs the soul and give up her heart. In renouncing all love and emotion to escape the pain of betrayal, Sjöfn lost herself as well and became the cold uncaring ice maiden. Yet there still remained one spark of decency in Lofn: she would not kill when commanded to do so. That choice to spare a life, the final test of their Mistress in enslaving them completely, led to one more chance for them to escape this mockery of life and reclaim their hearts. Having their hearts back with clear minds meant having to deal with all they had done, to atone, and it was not an easy task to salvage their relationship.
Lofn likes people to play games in her honor. Some card games can be adapted to have a “ghost player,” and this is one way to let her join in the fun. She favors the bold and may bless them with luck. But watch what you say if she’s in your life: if you use words for homosexuals when what you mean is stupid, weak or cowardly, you can expect her anger and extremely bad luck — knowing that they are under her protection. Her favorite foods are “guilty pleasures,” things you love that aren’t good for you. Dice, a deck of cards or a coin may be used as her token, anything you could use in gambling. She is sympathetic and can help with gambling addictions, knowing what it’s like to lose it all on a bet. Her name is pronounced “LAW-fen”.
Health: 495 (+90)
Mana: 195 (+36)
Speed: 360 (+0)
Range: 30 (+0)
Attack/Sec: 1.05 (+0.9)
Basic Attack
Damage: 35 (+1.4) + 22% of your Magical Power
Progression: None
Physical: 20 (+2.9)
Magical: 29 (+1)
HP5: 8 (+0.8)
MP5: 5 (+0.4)
Passive- Marriage
At the start of the game, Lofn chooses one allie, that she can change everytime after she dies. Everytime you hit a basic attack, above the target will spawn to markers, one filled and one empty. If her choosen then firse a basic attack in the target in 3 seconds, the choosen will deal 10% more damage to the target.
Type: Buff to allies
Duration: 3 Seconds
First Ability- Spiritual wave
Lofn fires a part of her broken spirit in a line, dealing damage and disarming all enemies. The wave explodes in a circle if it hits an enemy god or comes to the end of the range.
Type: Line, Circle
Range: 55
Exploding radius: 30
Damage: 20/40/60/80/100 + 15% of your Magical Power
Disarm: 2 seconds
Mana cost: 50
Cooldown: 12 seconds
Second Ability- Fortitude Dash
Lofn dashes forward dealing damage. If the dash hits her chosen, the distance of the dash is doubled, and the chosen gains a shield.
Type: Dash, Buff to allies
Range: 40 (80)
Damage: 60/100/140/180/220 + 25% of your magical power
Shield Hp: 15/65/115/165/215 + 20% of your Magical Power
Mana cost: 40/50/60/70/80
Cooldown: 9 seconds
Third ability- The forbidden love
Lofn targets a god. If it's an allie, then all his cooldowns are reduced. If it's an enemy, they instead get longer.
Type: Buff, Debuff
Cooldown change: 1/2/3/4/5
Cooldown: 25/24/23/22/20
Mana cost: 30/40/50/60/70
Ultimate- The Migthy Spirit
Lofn unleshes her spirit to everyone else on the team. All her allies gain more damage on everything and attack speed.
Type: Buff
Damage gain: 10/12/14/16/18%
Attack speed buff: 12/14/16/18/20%
Duration: 6 seconds
Mana Cost: 100/105/110/115/120
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