March 06, 2018
S5 Guide Plans
Views: 6391
Last Updated: July 19, 2018
Hello friends,
With the Season 5 Guide Contest coming to a close, I was curious to see how many Season 5 Builds & Guides every God(dess) on the site had; the result of that little investigation can be found in the table below.
Previous Table
As you can see, there are 5 Gods who currently have no S5 Build or Guide: Erlang Shen, Hel, Kumbhakarna, Kuzenbo and Ymir. However, my intent in sharing this was not to say "here's a problem, go fix it"; this was very much something I researched out of personal interest, and I figured I'd share the results.
What are your guide plans for Season 5? Do you play any of the Gods that do not have an updated guide yet? Let me know below :)
And then you'll be sorry.
I may finish up my Cern guide and do a Skadi one, I haven't decided yet.
No mercy
There are no longer any gods who have no S5 Build or Guide, though there's still quite who have one or more builds but no actual guide ( Agni, Anhur, Apollo, Camazotz, Cernunnos, Chiron, Fafnir, Hachiman, Eset, Kali, Nox, Poseidon, Raijin, Rama, Serqet, Skadi, Xbalanque, Ymir & Zhong Kui). I had started working on something for Erlang Shen a while back, but following the release of Stuke's guide I'll look into refocusing my efforts.
Speaking of builds & guides, I should mention that god pages now have Next/Prev buttons for every set of 20 builds/guides, making pages of gods with a lot of (old) builds/guides (e.g. Loki) a lot less painful to navigate.
Edit: forgot to add Baron Samedi & Chernobog to the table (they weren't in it last time because they hadn't been released yet), oops. Updated above numbers to reflect those changes.
If instead we expanded S5 by default and left the rest closed, the pages of Nike and Erlang Shen (on one end of the spectrum) would only display 1 entry above the expand button, while Achilles (on the other end) would display 21. Also, in the - perhaps somewhat unlikely - scenario in which a god were to get 30-40+ builds/guides made within the same season, the original scrolling issue would persist.
In fact, I already started, and as soon as it is finished I will publish, but no ETA. I want publish directly something like my Cupid Guide.
Also, Cupid has 2 Guides and one is not updated to season 5 :v
Erlang Shen and Ymir are the only two who are still without a S5 Build or Guide; the others I previously mentioned now have at least one S5 Build ( Kuzenbo) or Guide ( Hel, Kumbhakarna). I'm working on something for Erlang Shen myself, but don't have an ETA on that yet.
Outside of that, I noticed there are a lot of Hunters who have Builds but no Guides (e.g. Anhur, Apollo, Hachiman, Xbalanque), can anyone think of a specific reason for that?