Also I got this icon yesterday. Previously I was using the

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Smite is an online battleground between mythical gods. Players choose from a selection of gods, join session-based arena combat and use custom powers and team tactics against other players and minions. Smite is inspired by Defense of the Ancients (DotA) but instead of being above the action, the third-person camera brings you right into the combat. And, instead of clicking a map, you use WASD to move, dodge, and fight your way through the detailed graphics of SMITE's battlegrounds.
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I'm contemplating getting OW...I have a VISA gift card with $43 on it still, which would be perfect...though I've also got tons of games on my Steam wishlist, just waiting for a big sale...and even though it's been delayed, I'm still waiting to see h ow No Man's Sky is going to be.
I will conquer the Old world with my dwarven armies. All Hail High King Thorgrim Grudgebearer!
Also, which are your favorite OW characters? Junkrat is like the old TF/TF2 Demoman, so he's fun for me. I also like Reinhardt with the big beefy shield and hammer...they REALLY did a good job making his swing feel hefty.
Starting also to get a better feel for
HadesReaper, and got a 5-kill with his ult last night, and finished up the 6th after. Genji is also super fun, though I'm not very good with him.I can't stand Winston or Hanzo. I hate that bow. I also hate Bastion. He's annoying to play against, and he's a bit boring for me to play him.
It's a bit disheartening...I was like level 20 in the early stages of the beta (didn't play the open beta at all), and now I'm back to square one, no skins, nada. Boo =(
edit: oh yeah, forgot...Lucio is my main man. Was my favorite in beta, remains my favorite overall, though he's totally underappreciated.
If I have to pick 2 for each category they would be:
Offense - Pharah & Tracer
Defense - Junkrat & Mei/Torbjorn
Tank - Dva & Zarya
Support - Mercy & Symmetra
(I swear that this is by chance, I just realized that I chose every female hero except for Widowmaker)
The characters I haven't invested time into are:
Roadhog - All of my friends play him so if we need one they just pick him. If I'm solo queuing he's also a popular choice, so I don't end up playing him often. I don't dislike him, but he doesn't call out to me in particular (I did play him more in beta though).
McCree - Devs have said they're nerfing him, I think he's really simplistic and kind of op. I also really like all the other offense heroes and he... he's just meh. Stun, fan the hammer, roll away, repeat.
Bastion - I don't like being an ******* + he's really boring. Also, if we need a Bastion my friends do enjoy being *******s so they'll play him for me while I Mercy support their carnage.
EDIT: The Wukong play style with Ymir's kit. Also she's just ****ing adorable.
"I thought I made a wall! Why am I in an ice cocoon?!? WHY IS THEIR REAPER STILL SHOOTING ME IF I'M IN INVINCIBLE"
..but yeah she's pretty fun
"Sorry, sorry. Sorry... Sorry."