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Smite Skill: Coerce

Fafnir Skill Coerce

Fafnir Skill Coerce Fafnir Skill Coerce Fafnir Skill Coerce Fafnir Skill Coerce


Key Bind: 2

Fafnir coerces his allies into fighting harder, boosting Attack Speed for 5s and healing himself. While Coerce is active Fafnir deals bonus Magic Damage whenever the affected ally damages an enemy.

In dragon form, this ability has a larger area of effect and can buff multiple allies.

Ability Type: Target, Buff, Damage
Attack Speed Buff: 20 / 22.5 / 25 / 27.5 / 30%
Bonus Damage: 4 / 8 / 12 / 16 / 20% of the target's power
Self Heal: 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 / 120
Cost: 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70
Cooldown: 16 / 15.5 / 15 / 14.5 / 14s
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CakeSlapping (29) | June 24, 2016 2:08pm
So... Does anybody know, cos I can't test till like wednesday or later, does Coerce damage proc on other item procs?

Like say if I buff someone with Hide of the Nemean Lion would the reflect damage proc the extra damage from coerce too?
I would imagine not, but you never know, I just wanted to check
Technotoad64 (46) | June 24, 2016 4:02pm
Something better to test it with would be Mystical Mail or Soul Reaver.
CakeSlapping (29) | June 16, 2016 12:22pm
Question, as I'm on holiday in Mallorca atm and won't be able to test for a week or so.

Does the bonus damage from coerce apply to every tick of allies' DoT abilities? Like can you beef up EVERY tick of an Anubis ult while coerce is active?
DucksRock (41) | June 16, 2016 12:40pm
CakeSlapping wrote:
Question, as I'm on holiday in Mallorca atm and won't be able to test for a week or so.

Does the bonus damage from coerce apply to every tick of allies' DoT abilities? Like can you beef up EVERY tick of an Anubis ult while coerce is active?

CakeSlapping (29) | June 17, 2016 3:24am
iReauxbot (11) | June 7, 2016 5:38pm
Sounds like its op but its not in a way? I wonder if it can proc Polynomicon bahaha
CakeSlapping (29) | June 7, 2016 7:58pm
It procs your poly to activate onto yourself, so your next basic does bonus damage, but it won't do the poly's bonus damage on your ally's attacks as it counts as ABILITY DAMAGE from fafnir.

But as its ability damage it WILL proc the bonus damage of Soul Reaver on your ally's attack.
CakeSlapping (29) | June 7, 2016 3:25pm
Not sure if this is common knowledge yet but the bonus damage this item puts on your teammates attacks procs Fafnir's own magical ability item effects.

So, for example, if you build Gem of Isolation on Fafnir, and then buff your ally Artemis with Coerce, the bonus damage applied to her basics will proc the gem of iso's slow, much like as if Arty had a Frostbound Hammer.
Now take into consideration that when you are in dragon form you can buff several allies with Coerce, you can essentially give your whole team Gem of Isolation temporarily.

DukeSloth has released a more detailed YouTube vid about this, which is worth checking out.
Devampi (105) | June 8, 2016 4:12am
Could be that this is some sort of bug
CakeSlapping (29) | June 8, 2016 4:28am
I don't imagine so, if they went to the trouble of specifically making it Fafnir's damage added to his ally's attacks, rather than having it as their own bonus damage.

I just feel like they may not have thought enough about the way this would interact with items.

I can't be sure either way though, till HiRez comments on the matter, so you could be right.
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