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January 02, 2016
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Hola amigos de smite... alguien que me regale una beta key de PALADINS... quiero jugar con ansias muchas gracias... agradezco de antemano

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December 29, 2015
+Rep | Report***kY
Sugerencias y comentarios para más videos....SUSCRIBETE Y DALE LIKE

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December 28, 2015


Views: 1238 deyvidnes
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Hola a todos, alguien me podria ayudar con build para zhong kui de SOLO gracias.... y derrepente algun consejito jajaja busquenme en youtube como SMITE LOL

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December 27, 2015


Views: 1085 FerrumSlash
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They bothered remodeling Ne Zha's Cyberpunk when he gets remodeled.

And i'm like

Where the **** is my Almighty Zeus remodel?

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December 26, 2015
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Hello everyone there! We just started our own clan and we are in need of new members! So feel free to join our clan! Just search for "Kolovrat" that is the name of our clan!

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December 24, 2015
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I guess you're all wandering what I got, eh ?

90k Views on my Athena guide. 38k Views on my Nu Wa guide, 28k Views on my Chiron guide, 26k Views on my Aphrodite guide and 20k Views on my Bastet guide. Aside from my Athena Jungle guide ( which is very specific and ofc won't draw much attention ) ALL OF MY GUIDES HAVE PASSED THE 20K VIEWS IN MY 7 MONTHS OF ACTIVITY !

I want to thank all of you community members out there that seek for help or that seek to aid ppl. Without you we wouldn't be able to improve the gameplay ppl have on Smite. We all know we don't get lots and lots of comments, but our numbers show us that ppl out there used our knowledge, for good or for evil.


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December 22, 2015
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I had it... pretty much had it...

So idk if you guys know me or whatever, but I've been playing on this game for about a year or so...

And honestly, I'm not looking forward to play this game any longer to be honest.... Let me state my case...

So today... I was in an assault match, and I was about to start a match when I to go eat some dinner... that being said it was at the beginning of the match, so that meant that I had to DC. After that, and a little family business, I logged back in to see that we were losing. So? I asked if I could just let me have the minions so that I could probably have some farming... But then out of nowhere, the team starts to say why did I DC, and then they proceed to harass me because I cost the team the victory, i

Now, I won't deny what they have said that was true. They said that I shouldn't play the game if I was going to DC, because that would cost the team the victory. And I can't deny that, honestly. They're right tbh. I could see the logic in wh…
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December 19, 2015

Happy Holidays!

Views: 1785 Zilby
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Happy holidays everyone! Just here to wish everyone a good time over the next few weeks! People are on vacation, finals are done and it's finally to just sit back, relax and play some smite in our free time :]

For those that normally play with me, my playing will be intermittent at best. Unfortunately, I will not have access to my wonderful college, lagless ethernet connection and will be entirely reliant on my home internet connection. Thus, don't expect much better than 400 ping if you do play with me. I also lack my mic sooooooooo... yeaaaahhhh

So.. yeah! Have a great holiday season peeps!

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December 17, 2015
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This god is hard to be observed since he is always hiding when invoked. In fact, people are not sure about their role. Some people proclaim that they may even be the sun god, but that isn't what they are known for.

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December 15, 2015
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Here's the hint for the first of (M.L.G.):
In SMITE the God is declared as one of the most underrated gods and he carries two weapons. One of them is not shown in the game as the other weapon is used as a beating stick.

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