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Boreas by AtomicPie525

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By: AtomicPie525
Last Updated: Nov 27, 2019
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The North Wind

Boreas is the god of the north wind, commonly associated with horses, sometimes even being portrayed as a horse god, but often he has winged boots to accompany the wings on his back. That's pretty much it from what I can tell. In what seems to be in Classic Greek Mythological fashion, he got his wife by no choice of her own. Aside from that other coll things Boreas did were have children with horses and casually use his power over the winds to Sink over 400 of Xerxes's ships when he posed a threat to Athens. There's actually not too much that I can find with my limited google searches for Boreas, but the links are below for what I did find.

Passive Ability

Boreal Winds
Boreas's basic attacks are ranged, but they deal less damage the farther they travel. Full damage for melee range, 75% up to 30 units away, and 50% up to 55 units.

Boreas's basics and abilities apply stacks of frost to enemies. Stacks last for 1.25 seconds and decay one at a time. When enemies have 20 stacks of frost they are slowed. at 25 stacks enemies are completely frozen and stunned. Stacks are reset back to 0 on stunned enemies

Stun: 1 (+0.05xBoreas' current level)
Stun max length: 2s

Primary Abilities

Chilling winds
Boreas summons an icy wind in front of him choosing whether if flows towards or away from him. Allies moving with the wind are granted a speed boost. Enemies moving with the wind are slowed and cannot move against the wind.

area: 40x50 units, spawning right in front of Boreas. The long axis facing in the same direction as Boreas.
Slow 30%
Movement Buff: 30%
duration: 3/3/4/5/6s
Cost: 60/70/80/90/100
Cooldown: 16s
Does not apply frost.

My thoughts and comments
Breath of the north
Letting out a chilling breath, Boreas cools the area in front of him over the course of 3 seconds. Enemies within the area are slowed and if they remain in the chilled area for at least 3 seconds they will take damage and be debuffed, increasing the damage taken from all sources for the remainder of the time they are inside the area as well as for 3 seconds after. Additionally, enemies that take damage from this ability have their vision impaired in a similar fashion to Sandstorm but it instead a frost effect encroaching from the outer edges of the screen.

Slow: 20/28/36/44/50%
Duration: 6 seconds
Debuff: 10% increased damage from all sources
Damage: 300 (+50% of your magical power)
Range: Same as Shock Wave if the corners were rounded about 10 units shorter, for a maximum width of 60 units.
Cost: 75/80/85/90/95
Cooldown: 18s
Applies 4 stacks of frost per second

My thoughts and comments
Winter's Chill
Boreas blows a freezing cold wind in front of him for 3 seconds, damaging and slowing enemies up to 10 times. Enemies within the cone are progressively slowed. After 3 seconds.

Damage: 10/15/20/25/30 (+5% of your magical power)
Max damage: 100/150/200/250/300 (+50% of your magical power)
Range: Similar to Water Cannon
Cost 60/65/70/75/80
Applies 2 stacks of frost per hit

My thoughts and comments

Ultimate Abilities

Wrath of the North Wind
Boreas Hovers into the air, unleashing the full force of the North Wind for 5 seconds. For the duration, Boreas can control which direction the wind blows using the keys bound to his abilities (Similar to Raijin or Merlin when they use their ultimates.) 1 causes winds to blow from behind Boreas, 2 causes winds to blow from in front of Boreas, 3 causes winds to blow from his left, and 4 causes winds to blow from his right. For the duration, gusts of winds travel through the area, dealing some damage, but also slowing and knocking back enemies that they collide with. Boreas is still targetable during the duration, and can move, but he moves 50% slower. Additionally, while using this ability, Boreal Winds has no cooldown and all enemies can be stunned.

Size: 60x60 square
Cost: 100
Cooldown: 110/105/100/95/90s
Applies 1 stack of frost per hit

My thoughts and comments

The thought process

What type of god am I going for?

I knew going in that I wanted the God of the North wind to be a guardian with powerful slows and a sort of dynamic wind wall.

From there, I originally thought Boreas was going to be a kind of supporty guardian as opposed to a front-line guardian. I wanted a whole map, global ult that can be used to help team mates even if you aren't anywhere near your allies, old school Terra ult style. As much as I liked my whole map blizzard that slowed and damaged enemies, there were better ideas to come to mind.

After Fleshing out the rest of his kit, Boreas became a front-line powerhouse with lots of control. This called for a change in his ultimate to fit the new play-style.

What can Boreas do?

Ability Specifics

To start off, make sure you understand the way these abilities are designed to work. If Chilling Winds is used correctly, most likely in conjunction with the natural walls of the map, or even something like a Yemoja, it allows for Boreas to get relative ease in hitting most-all of Winter's Chill. If all goes as planned, you will have either a stunned god or one that is ripe for the stunning. If you have been consistently attacking an enemy before doing this combo, either with basics or your other abilities, they will more than likely be stunned out of Winter's Chill. Otherwise, they will be close enough that you should be able to use Breath of the North Wind to finish off the deed and set them up for (hopefully) a hasty death by your carry.

That is the general idea of how Boreas sets himself up deal his damage and apply his stun.

Another combo that should prove quite pertinent would be to use Chilling Winds, Breath of the North, then Wrath of the North Wind. While using his ultimate in the same area that is taken up by Breath of the North, Boreas should be able to stun many enemies all at once. all while causing chaos amongst them.

Design concepts

From my exploration into depictions of Boreas, I've found that he is often winged, or sometimes part horse? Not sure 100% how that works as it never said centaur from what I saw. I would probably go with a winged character that might end up having a similar skeletal appearance to that of Horus, but some key differences would be in the animations as well as Boreas would have a more Greek feel to him as far as decor. As of right now, I have nothing as far as art for Boreas, but I plan on coming up with some if I have the time, or if I can make it look half decent, so we will see about that.

Part of making him a winged figure would allow for him to use them throughout his abilities and basic attacks, which may even get a special chain, I haven't decided yet on that.




Perhaps I've said most of what there is to say above in the initial concepts section, but I am overall happy with this kit and I think it would work in game. I'm curious to see what other people think about it, especially in the terms of balancing.

Please let me know what you think could be improved upon, and if you're interested, I do also have another god concept, Itztlacoliuhque, an assassin.

From what I can tell, that's that. Hope you liked it!

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