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Boreas by xmysterionz

2 Votes


By: xmysterionz
Last Updated: Dec 2, 2019
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The Winter and North Wind

Brings the winter and its cold winds to the battle field. Make your enemy feel all your aggressiveness and make them pay for cross your way.

Passive Ability

Wind Rose
Each time Boreas uses an Skill that hits an enemy he gains a stack of Wind Rose. Upon reaching 4 stacks the next ranged basic attack or projectile fired against him is sent back to the owner direction.

Stacks gained: 1 per skill that successfully hit an enemy.
Max stacks: 4 stacks.

Primary Abilities

Boreas fires a Cyclone in a line in front of him that deals damage and knockup all enemies that it hits. Boreas may hold the skill button to charge and fire a more powerful cyclone doing 35% extra damage that can go further at a cost of a time to charge and increased mana cost.

Ability Type: Line
Damage: 60/100/150/200/250 (+50% of your magical power)
Time to fully charge: 2 secs
Mana Cost: 55
Cooldown: 16/16/15/15/14 secs
North Wind
Uses his winter's power to fire a cold wind at his North that damages, slows enemies and boost allies movement speed. The Wind path persists for a short time and the buffs/debuffs are refreshed if the God pass through it. The buffs/debuffs persist for a short time after leaving the area.

Ability Type: Line
Damage: 60/100/140/180/220 (+55% of your magical power)
Wind Area Duration: 4 secs
Slow/Movement boost: 10/15/20/25/30%
Mana Cost: 50/60/70/80/90
Cooldown: 18/17/16/15/14 secs
Wind Protection
Boreas uses his wind power to boost himself gain a shield. After it the wind seek for another targets also shielding allies and slowing enemies prioritizing those with low HP. When depleted or when the shield time runs out, it explodes dealing damage.

Shield: 50/100/150/200/250 (+25% of your magical power)
Shield Damage: 30/60/90/120/150 (+60% of your magical power)
Shield Duration: 4 secs
Slow Duration: 2 secs
Slow: 10/15/20/25/30%
Max targets: 2/3/4/5/6
Mana Cost: 50/60/70/80/90
Cooldown: 20/20/19/19/18 secs

Ultimate Abilities

Wind Barrier
Boreas uses all his wind and winter power to create immediately a giant cold wind field with a huge wind barrier. Enemies inside it due the cold winds are damaged and slowed every 0.1 sec and the wind barriers completely blocks any incoming projectiles, basic attacks, line abilities or similar. Anyone that comes to close of the wall are also knockedback. Any ally that moves towards or fires projectiles, basic attacks, line abilities or similar inside the area, on the wind's direction, have their speed increased.

Ability Type: Ground Target
Damage: 11/12/13/14/15 (+ 5% of your magical power)
Slow: 0.4/0.5/0.6/0.7/0.8%
Wind Barrier/Area Duration: 5 secs
Speed increased: 35%
Mana Cost: 125/115/105/95/85
Cooldown: 150/140/130/120/110 secs


Boreas was the Greek god of the cold north wind and the bringer of winter. He fell in love for Orithyia, an Athenian princess, from the Ilisos. Boreas had taken a fancy to Orithyia and had initially pleaded for her favours, hoping to persuade her. When this failed, he reverted to his usual temper and abducted her as she danced on the banks of the Ilisos. Boreas wrapped Orithyia up in a cloud, married her, and with her, Boreas fathered two sons—the Boreads, Zethes and Calais—and two daughters—Chione, goddess of snow, and Cleopatra. From then on, the Athenians saw Boreas as a relative by marriage. When Athens was threatened by Xerxes, the people prayed to Boreas, who was said to have then caused winds to sink 400 Persian ships. That's why the Athens built him an altar.

The Oread nymph Pitys loved see Pan playing his flute though he may look grotesque. Always playing the flute on lonely places, for not being able to attract any girl, Pan sat near a cliff. Pitys followed him and when she approached, Pan decided to reveal his love. He didn't know that she was loved by Boreas, the angry north wind, who on that moment blows with strongly. When he saw his love near the weird God, Boreas got really mad. He blew so strongly that Pitys fell of the cliff shattering on the rocks. Consternated with such impetuosity Pan transformed Pitys' body in a pine tree. Pitys means pine tree in greek. The tree were consecrated to Pan, that started to walk with a crown full of these trees and Boreas lost forever his love.

This lore is related to the strong feelings that can be good such as the artists and big adventures but also can be bad as in the lore. Act impulsively and without think about the consequences can be a way without back.

Personality and Look

My vision

Boreas was designed to be one of the aggressive options for supports (and even possible to play with him on other lanes). He is the most important wind of the Rose and also, on his lore he represents the angry and uncontrollable feelings, so his design was made to REALLY show it since the first look.

Theme – Winds and Winter. Someone cold (literally).
Visuals – Blue, Old but Wise, Muscles. Aggressive Clothes.
Personality – Aggressive, wise, Angry and "cold" for feelings.
Perspective – Respected, Explosive, Controller.

Boreas would probably be the most explosive god on the game. His humor is not that good most part of the times. His dialogues are always demonstrating he is angry for nothing (Why not?) and he is always taunting and showing himself as a threat to other people. His body would be old but with muscles (similar to Zeus). On his clothes, aggressive designs and intimidating stuffs. His colors would be white (most part), light blue and minor details painted in grey. On his left hand, on his pulse a device similar to a watch with the wind rose. On his right hand "winds". He, of course flies above the battle field and fires a wind projectile on his basic attack (that is ranged).

His voice is similar to Zeus: Something kinda grave, strong at the same time intimidating. Shows respect, power and specially aggressiveness on every single line allied with tons of confidence on his power and some shouts on the voice lines that shows orders or that something went wrong.

voice lines

The Play Style

What's the main idea?

Boreas was made to be an ability based god with High Crowd Control and a totally front liner and engager for the team he is in.. His kit offer decent mechanisms to engage on a fight or peel a friend when needed. He also may offer decent damage for bruiser builds and other roles than support. His unique ultimate at the same time protects the team and also let them aggressive on the enemy. His kit was made to reward aggressive players who look an aggressive god (literally) to be always the shoot caller.

How the passive works?

The passive isn't hard to understand. Every time you hit an enemy with a skill (not necessarily doing damage) you gain a stack of of the Wind Rose. When you get all the stacks you fire the next ranged basic attack on the owner's direction. Notice that it counts as a basic attack for all physics proposes but for damage proposes it's a skill (dealing magical damage) (and, of course, it cannot crit even though the attack would crit on you). The passive matter would be a Wind Rose and each stack would light up a part of it.

How Cyclone works?

Probably this would be the most fun part of his kit allied with his ulti. This skill would work like this: If you fire it without hold the button it goes for a minor distance and deals the damage written. If you fire it holding the button until fully charged, it deals more damage (+35%) and goes further but you have to wait it charge and the mana cost will be also increased (+35% of mana cost). The minimum range is 50 and fully charged it goes to 75 range with a 10 radius. It moves a bit slower than Heart Bomb does. When charging this skill stay where it was initially cast. It also would indicate by an UI the range increasing. This skill has a 0.1 delay to be fired so the enemies can see it and try to avoid it. The knockup would be something not too quick (Like Hou Yi one) but also not a Release The Kraken! 2.0, something around a 100 to 150 knockup units (Kraken has 375 units). Yes someone who never miss this skill probably would be annoying as f***. This would be the wave clear/clear boost for the adc and also the engage for a lot of lane fights. This skills also was made to disrupt a teamfight.

How North Wind works?

Similar to Flutter (but now in the right class :p) he fires a line in front of him that damages and slows the enemy/increase allies move speed. The line persists for 4 secs and after the initial hit/leave the area the buffs and debuffs persist for 2 secs. If the enemy/ally pass inside it the buff/debuff is refreshed for more 2 secs. This skill may stack the slow with other slow sources.

How Wind Protection works?

When activated, Boreas gains immediately a shield for 4 seconds. In an area of 45 units the shield will seek for allies and enemies, prioritizing always allies. When it finds an ally, he also receive a shield. When it finds an enemy (After unsuccessfully tried to find allies around) he is slowed. This skill may stack the slow with other slow sources. The shield look for allies or enemies for its duration (4 secs). The max targets are the max people the shield may hit (ally or enemy). So if you use this on duo you will shield your ADC and slow the closer enemy to you. At lvl 2 if your jg ganks you, you will shield yourself, the adc and the jg and no slow because it reached the maximum target numbers.

How Wind Barrier works?

Wind Barrier upon cast creates a large area on the ground full of winds to the north. He may select where he wants to create a giant barrier (inside this field) before cast it. When fully created (0.5 secs to form it), the field slows and damages the enemies inside it, the barrier blocks any incoming attacks, projectiles or skills in line or even something similar (like Athena taunt). Anything also fired to the north also have its move speed increased including gods moving towards it, basic attacks, projectiles, line abilities or something similar. The damage works like Ganesha ulti: Huge amount but hard to apply all that amount (people usually will walk out of the ulti). Plus the damage takes 5 seconds to be applied. This skills has 30 radius with a 65 range. The wall has 400 height units (a bit higher than the kraken knockup) and 30 radius. People that touch the wall are knocked back 20 units. This wall Triggers Persephone ulti.

Summary and Stats



  • I am not an artist, all images here belongs to those who created it.

  • The lore was written using multiple articles in multiple languages so it may contain something new for some people or even wrong.

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xmysterionz (72) | November 22, 2019 9:12am
New chapters will be filled soon.
Gulfwulf (81) | November 22, 2019 9:37am
Sooner? I didn't know you were an Oklahoma college football fan, Myat. ;)
xmysterionz (72) | November 22, 2019 10:41am
yOu aRe So FuNnY!!!!

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