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For Your Consideration: SMITE Tier List for Season 6 – April 2019

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Forum » Build & Guide Discussion » For Your Consideration: SMITE Tier List for Season 6 – April 2019 14 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by hboyce1 » April 29, 2019 10:35am | Report
Hey, guys. I have humbly published an updated Smite Tier List that I hope you all enjoy. Thank you each for your time and I wish you each a pleasant day.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Gulfwulf » April 29, 2019 10:49am | Report
You posted this twice, Boyce. Once is better so all of the comments on it are in one place instead of being scattered across two separate threads.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » April 29, 2019 10:52am | Report
I kept this thread, and archived the one in the general discussions forum.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by nicklouis » September 10, 2020 2:38am | Report
Was just surfing as random for the 2020 patch 7 updates and I came across this smite tier list it's been updated 1 week ago. This might be the most up date one.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » September 10, 2020 8:49am | Report
nicklouis wrote:

Was just surfing as random for the 2020 patch 7 updates and I came across this smite tier list it's been updated 1 week ago. This might be the most up date one.

That tierlist is bad


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Big Damage » September 10, 2020 9:33am | Report
Kriega1 wrote:

That tierlist is bad

Bad is an understatement. At best it's like a 7.1 tierlist even then it's shocking.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by S7evin424 » September 24, 2020 12:34am | Report
Well... okay all tier list are completely opinion based but there's a more agreed upon way to do tierlist and it's not how good a god is. Tier list are comprised of how many gods does *this* god counter and how many gods counter *this* god. By doing a tierlist that way, we can sort of pinpoint a more agreed upon list. If you ask me Artemis is an S tier god but that's because she's my main. But as far as who she counters/who counters her she's C+ maybe B- at best.

Ah Puch is C+ because he has so many counters due to the fact he doesn't have an escape. So any god that can dive him or have a good CC combo can demolish him. He's often seen in C or in SPL players tiers he's even C- or D. I can't remember Ah Puch was S maybe back in Season 5 but not anymore.

Kuku is pretty good and is seen in ranked a lot but I don't think he's over Persephone, Discordia, Merlin, Hera or Ra. Kuku would be A maybe A-

Odin has kinda fallen off from his throne and while he's still a solid choice for solo I don't see him being that high at all. I see most people put him A or B.

Bastet sadly doesn't work in the meta these days. None of the super good and awesome Assassin items really work on her and her kit is really niche. I think she's maybe B

Fenrir also doesn't fit into the Assassin meta either. As support he's okay but jungle he falls off late game. Maybe B+ for flex.

Anubis while he does have an easy counter is still a great choice for pressure and objective burning. Mostly seen in A tier.

Ah Muzen Cab does suffer a lot from his easy to dive issues but he's usually seen B+ or so.

Zeus in the same tier as Persephone is just... it's weird looking at that. Persephone is highly regarded as the most powerful mid laner and I kinda have to agree she's S maybe SS. Zeus is super easy to dive and has no escape, regardless of his damage he can be countered easily. He's often in B+ maybe A-

Arachne is easily the most dominate jungler in the game right now with the highest win rate for jungles at 56% and is easily A+ or S tier.

Poseidon is a good flex both for mid and jungle so he could be anywhere from A- to A+

Hel meta is slowly falling off but she's still A tier at least.

Amaterasu is the most dominate solo laner hands down S. Camazotz is also up there as well probably S- for his ability to flex jungle or solo but he could be A+ just cause he can be countered by anti heal.

Cabrakan is B+ tier even if he doesn't counter many people he's super flex. Solo, jungle or... maybe support against a handful of gods.

Nike is a solid solo, while she's not super popular anymore she's fits well into a good number of team comps so she's at least B+ maybe A-

Nu Wa is a very valuable pick even if she doesn't have an escape her ultimate is worth picking her. I think most SPL put her A tier.

Medusa shouldn't be in the same tier as Cupid who's the 2nd highest win rate in smite and is considered S tier by SPL players.

Sol and Chronos shouldn't be in the same tier as Olorun since Olorun is a massively better choice over them. And I don't see Freya on this list but she's probably S tier and is so good she's getting nerfed poor thing.

I'm not going through every god, just those are the ones that might make people think you're crazy. But like I said it is opinionated so there's no wrong tier list, but new players might see this and pick up Ah Puch in ranked then proceed to have the worst day of their life.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » September 24, 2020 8:40am | Report
That's a great writeup, but I don't know that we have to worry, since that list is also over a year old.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Big Damage » September 24, 2020 9:23am | Report
Branmuffin17 wrote:

That's a great writeup, but I don't know that we have to worry, since that list is also over a year old.

I clicked on the link and it's actually been updated to the current patch, just the link is the same still. Not that it's actually been updated to a point of being correct.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Stuke99 » September 24, 2020 2:00pm | Report
I clicked on it and my anti-virus went off and closed the tab. We sure this is safe?


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