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A tale of my experiences with Loki recently.

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Forum » General Discussion » A tale of my experiences with Loki recently. 5 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Majestic_Jackal » October 14, 2014 9:21pm | Report
So here I am once again in a pretty bit of a fluster over how my 3v3 Joust games have recently went, and tonight it's ALL about Loki.

Seeing how I went up in two matches against him and one was a noob Loki so I won't bash the poor guy, but then it's Diamond Loki to the rescue next round and ends up since your Artemis seems to have no clue what she's doing despite being V Artemis mastery and buys wrong Aegis, Loki facestomps her a good bit and gets fed, yet I am still able as He-Bo to kill him one on one if I get a lucky Aegis and break.

So I've noticed now alotta people are doing this build, Warrior's Tabi -> Hydra's Lament -> Jotunns Wrath -> Titans Bane -> Death Bringer -> (This one changes, usually Bloodforge and or a Magi's or some other random power item), now let's just say this build TOTALLY wrecks anybody it seems without an Aegis, but even a person with an Aegis can literally do nothing to stop him besides the initial hits, after that he just uses his 3 into 1 and usually wipes you to your death animation. Now wouldn't you say this is a little unfair? besides the one night ways back I fought an odd Loki who seemed totally unkillable (Funny right?) even though you could catch him out in the open without stealth or any protective/defensive skills and his health would barely budge. and he was below us till he just killed enough of my team and myself occasionally to end up most fed player and this happened TWO matches in a row.

Now onto my experience tonight, now the Artemis/He-Bo/Loki fiasco happened tonight, but I decided "You know what, I'm gonna give Loki a try with this build all pro Loki's use" Now I've had enough experiences with Loki to gain at least Mastery III, So I know his ups and downs, I get Hades-Aphrodite-Loki, now I wasn't too comfortable going in as him anyways and neither was my Hades/Aphro so I didn't really care if I lost this match after 4 wins before hand. but anyhow, enemy team was Scylla-Osiris-Ares (Whoop Ares >3<). so the game went pretty standard, buffed up, went into lane and had our skirmishes and stand-offs till finally I hit level 5, DING. and figure now that I got my tabi next time I come back we should be good to set up an attack. WRONG..but here comes the funny part. well Hades goes in and ults dragging Scylla in low health and most of the other team, I single out Scylla, hit 3 and pop ultimate on her as she's under our tower anyhow because they were pushing/diving hard for early kills. now I did this and you would not believe..her health drops but she literally had like NOTHING in her health bar from my view on enemy health. yet she just sentineled out after I dropped my bleed on her and continues to walk back to her tower and return to base...but wanna know the best part? Ares chains me and flames me to my death giving them first blood...

And the rest of that game is pretty much set in stone after that, Aphro and Hades end up dying loads, I die loads for trying to initiate with half my build all done from farming on buffs, yet still my abilities literally had none of that 100 to 0% wiping effects and I check their builds and see a big kicker to my teeth, none and I mean NONE besides Ares had any sorta physical protections.

So I'd love to just discuss what do people think about these Loki's that seem to be fully capable of wiping out your team and going to VEL on your Titan death screen all day long till you feel like you could pull your hair out, and if I'm wrong I'd love someone to give me a really good explanation on why in the world this all seems logical for Loki to be able to dive into a team and pretty much wipe out your team with hard CC guardians like Ymir,***bha and Sylvanus and literally they get out alive.

P.S, and if it doesn't hurt mind telling me Loki's skill priority/combos that may be what I'm missing for this wiping effect that I see happen on me/allies all the time?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Raventhor » October 14, 2014 10:01pm | Report
Too much for me to read quickly for an answer, but on your P.S., loki usually levels up Vanish first, Aimed Strike second, and Decoy third, maxing his ult whenever possible. While Aimed Strike would have most dps, you're a blow your load and run, so you won't be using the CD reduction often, and vanish has the most total damage.

Ideally, you 1+3 in, and attack them from the back, then either use your ult to finish them off, escape, or save it for later. If you're worried about isntantaneous death, you can ult on top of a squishy, then immediately 1+3 them, and try to walk away. One is a more reliable initiate, one is a more reliable kill.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Greenevers » October 15, 2014 3:59am | Report
I have to disagree ^

While Vanish will hit harder first, you want more instant burst damage relying on your ult and 3 mainly. You shouldn't Assassinate> Vanish for damage... You'll be wasting your escape and you might not even get the next gut on them because Vanish takes a tad more time to get your hit in.

Check my Loki guide or by the time I get home I'll type this out.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Raventhor » October 15, 2014 11:00am | Report
Greenevers wrote:

I have to disagree ^

While Vanish will hit harder first, you want more instant burst damage relying on your ult and 3 mainly. You shouldn't Assassinate> Vanish for damage... You'll be wasting your escape and you might not even get the next gut on them because Vanish takes a tad more time to get your hit in.

Check my Loki guide or by the time I get home I'll type this out.

Fair enough. I suppose there's a third combo then, which is Assassinate into aimed strike, auto attack as much as possible, and decide on the use of Vanish from there. The downside to this is you don't have the vanish damage ticking down the entire time, and the movement speed it gives isn't being used to position yourself for the backstab bonus damage, meaning you're likely hitting their face instead for a chunk less damage. Still, it's much safer. I'd consider it a tad less safer than the Vanish+Aimed Strike --> Assassinate escape combo, but it's much more damage since the ult isn't being used to escape.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Majestic_Jackal » October 16, 2014 9:31pm | Report
Well I thank you both for all the great insights on Loki's kit, I'm not even feeling up to playing Loki or really Smite right now, I only play 3v3 because it's least laggy and I still can get great fun outta it, but as of recent I just keep hitting bad teams and if not that just enemy teams that seem obnoxiously coordinated and are unbeatable naturally. Anymore I just find Smite to be alotta stress and tension and a lot less enjoyable for all the focus/concentration you put into it you just get nothing in return, I may have to start hard supporting again and sticking to Guardians/Warriors for awhile,

I love to play aggressors like Mages/ADC's and Assassin's but also when I think about it support can be worst if you get players who can't even secure kills, either way I may take a break outta the real game awhile but I'm still gonna be fetching gems to buy some Halloween chests for that sweet possibility of that "The King" skin,

Thanks for dropping by anyhow boys~


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