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Raventhor's Blog
Blog Posts: 13     Views: 26357     Comments: 99
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March 07, 2015

Hepy Birf

Views: 3761 Raventhor
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20  |  age  |  birthday  |  life  |  me  |  personal  |  woo
Technically 40 minutes early, but before I forget

hepy birf 2 me

congrats I'm 20

thanks guys for unknowingly giving me a year long birthday present of being awesome. totes **** and hetero, love you guys 5ever


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September 10, 2014

Who Am I?

Views: 3205 Raventhor
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Ok, so I've been here for god knows how long, and I've never really...introduced myself. So I figured in sort of a retrospective look at how I've grown on smitefire, I'd officially show everyone exactly who's behind the personality.

I'm Ryan Weir, 19 years old at this time. I'm currently in college, enrolled as a Biochemistry major, hoping to continue down a pre-med track to become either a family practitioner or a surgeon.

I'm a weird guy. I've won tournaments in Risk, I was the Chess Captain, I'm legitimately a world champion in Model United Nations (UNAUSAMUN, 2013).

I've played video games since I was 4, when I played ActRaiser for the SNES. Since then I've played all sorts of games, from Spyro to Evergrace to CoD to WoW to LoL to Axis and Allies to Command and Conquer to Smite.

I run a humour blog on tumblr with a pathetic amount of followers, I played baseball on a team for 7 years, and I listen to Rock and Electronic music more than anything. I play piano, can eat 3 full …
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June 19, 2014


Views: 3427 Raventhor
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anniversary  |  expectations  |  one  |  personal  |  plans  |  sappy  |  year
So, since Tormented Turnip reminded me (since I didn't remember myself), I figured I should make a blog post.

It's my one year anniversary for joining Smitefire!

It's been a long and crazy ride. I've seen all types of people - editors, veterans, ragers, and wallflowers, all come and go. I've seen the site expand, I've seen many gods be released, and I've seen a lot of people learn the game. It's crazy.

But it's meant a lot to me. I've found an online community I'm not leaving because of how close to me it is. I've made so many friends here, and I'd never want to lose my connection to the site. Even during periods where I played smite less, I still checked smitefire literally every day.

I still remember the first guide I made way back when, the glass cannon ra, and everything that followed. It's felt so long ago...smitefire actually helped me get through my first year of college with a little foundation that I could adhere to.

I'm rambling, this isn't going anywhere. But I'd like t…
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May 03, 2014

The Big Reputation Milestone

Views: 2531 Raventhor
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Appreciation  |  Personal  |  Reputation
So I just reached 100 reputation (it's still only prominent for some reason so I actually don't know what the next reputation step is), but I figured this was a good time to thank everyone I've encountered.

I joined June of last year, not necessarily around for as long as some people, but from the very first day I knew this was going to be my home. Over 11 months, I've made friends with so many amazing people here, and became immersed in possibly the best internet community I have ever seen. This might be the only website I've dedicated myself so fully to, never once leaving for more than a couple days.

It's felt amazing making forum posts and having discussions, making guides, and overall just contributing to the site, but it feels even better knowing that I'm respected for it. This is probably the most recognition I've ever achieved, even if it's a superficial just feels good knowing that other people respect me. Like, that personal happiness bestowed upon me with every …
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March 06, 2014
+Rep | Report
Ok so I've been loving Scylla. I'm close to mastery (will leave me at a CLEAN rank 50), and I feel she definitely works very well as a glass cannon one-shot mage. I'm not going to publish it until I test heavily, possibly leaving me too far behind on the curve with other guides being homepaged quicker, but I've never been one to skim on quality for quickness. Even if only one person sees the guide, at least I know that person will see the effort I put into it.

This isn't an empty promise like my Nemesis guide was either. I just noticed too many very detailed, very good nemesis guides, and didn't feel a need to create one.

Stay tuned :)

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