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Advice on what gods to play for a returning player.

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Forum » General Discussion » Advice on what gods to play for a returning player. 2 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Wolfman5665 » March 6, 2018 6:39pm | Report
If you haven't seen one of my recent posts yet, I haven't played this game in the past two years, but I used to be an avid player before, and would have considered myself good.

Im looking for advice on who to pick up that is meta relevant(especially in leagues since I plan to play that). Since I liked what Wayne did with his advice post, I'm gonna steal his chart of familiarity.

The list will be from left to right, with the left god being my most familiar, and the right being my least.

>> denotes a significant gap in familiarity

- Assassin: Arachne, Fenrir, Bakasura >> Ratatoskr >> Mercury, Loki

- Guardian: Khepri, Geb, Bacchus, Sobek, Sylvanus, Athena >> Kumbhakarna

- Hunter: Medusa, Hou Yi >> Ah Muzen Cab >> Xbalanque

- Mage: Aphrodite, Poseidon, Kukulkan, Anubis, Nu Wa, I have a basic familiarity with almost every single mage.

- Warrior: Chaac, Odin, Osiris >> Hercules, Tyr

When I played I used to main jungle and support, with my best gods for each role being Arachne and Khepri respectively. I was also working on Fenrir to mastery X, whom I was pretty good at playing as.

EDIT: Here are my stats for the two gods mentioned, in case it will be helpful.

Arachne(Mastery X):
Matches played: 138 (74 Wins)
Kills: 975
Deaths: 528
Assists: 624

Khepri(Mastery VI):
Matches played: 95 (61 Wins)
Kills: 150
Deaths: 190
Assists: 878


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » March 6, 2018 8:00pm | Report
Hmmm, Ratatoskr and Mercury are probably good. Arachne got that buff to her web count and HR insists she's a solid god (I'd probably agree but I don't know on the high level end of things). Fen's also good.

For guards, Khep, Sobek maybe, Geb, Sylv, Athena should all be good.

For hunters you're probably good with your top 3.

For mages, Pos and Anubis are good...Anubis is particularly strong right now with the new lifesteal items.

And you're generally good with your top 3 warriors, but the top right now are probably Bellona and Cu Chulainn.

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