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Wolfman5665's Blog
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March 01, 2018

Its been 2 years.

Views: 2601 Wolfman5665
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hmmmm  |  what  |  Wow
So its almost been 2 years since my last post on this site, and most likely over 2 years since I last played Smite.

For those of you who don't know, I used to be pretty active in this community; Whether it was making god ideas, crafting some weird guide, or making some witty or sarcastic comment, you could find me in quite a lot of places here.

There are two main reasons why I quit the game:

1) I didn't like the direction that Hi-Rez was going. I definitely noticed that the game had started becoming more about money rather than good gameplay. It seemed like every new god was just as or more overpowered than the last.

2) The toxicity of the community. I had loved the game in beta and the first year or so after it came out officially, but the community had quickly become horrible toxic. I even watched one of my friends go from being very nice to being a horrible teammate who flamed just about everyone. It seemed like I couldn't find stress relief in the game anymore, so I stopped pla…
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June 26, 2016

The new comment system

Views: 2358 Wolfman5665
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end me
The new comment system is not compatible with Internet Explorer whatsoever. It lags unbearably and just recently stopped allowing me to even POST my comments. So please, Mowen, is there a way that just I, ME alone, can switch back to the old commenting system? Like an options menu for the site or whatev.

And no, I cant use google chrome, because for whatever reason it takes forever to load any thing.

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March 10, 2016


Views: 1910 Wolfman5665
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Clash Royale is the newest game by Supercell, the famed creators of Clash of Clans, and if you haven't heard of Clash Royale, then you're lucky, because it is the greediest "strategy card game" of all time. So after 3 days of peer pressure, I decided to finally play it, AND BOY DID I WANT TO LOSE ALL HOPE IN HUMANITY.

So how the game works is simple, you get some cards with certain stats and troops, and each of them costing an amount of elixir, which you earn at a slow rate during battles. There is a two lane setup, with each of the lanes leading up to a tower, which ultimately guards a castle. Whoever destroys the most wins, and if you win, you get a chest that you can gain more cards from. If you just heard that, the game would have a lot of potential, except when it was released, all of that potential was tossed in to a trash bin.

To start off why I despise this game, Im going to talk about the horrible chest system. There are 5 different types of chests, the most common being the…
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October 23, 2015

I have a new name.

Views: 1553 Wolfman5665
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I have changed my smite name. It is now TheThanatoast3r.

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September 26, 2015


Views: 1747 Wolfman5665
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hax  |  lol  |  nub  |  pubskrub  |  Scurry  |  skrub  |  uberhax
Okay, so, I almost lost my account today, if you don't want to read the story Ill briefly explain it here: guy trash talks me and my friend, we ask him to 2v2 with his friend. We go xbal and arachne and wreck them, later on I get kicked, saying that someone was using my account.

The Story

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