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Anubis does not suck in League?

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Forum » General Discussion » Anubis does not suck in League? 10 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » August 4, 2014 8:18am | Report
Okay, Anubis is probably my best mage when I am playing serious. Everyone always say Anubis is garbage/trash and they laugh if you bring him up when playing league. The funny part is this.

I don't really play league much, but now I am starting too.
I played Anubis 3 times in a row and each time I won and pretty much melted faces off.

I can't recall my very first match but the second match I went 8-1 and the match I just got done playing I went something positive around the same if not better. I can't recall but it was pretty much a rape fest when I picked Anubis.

I was playing against decent players, I faced a Mid Swagni the one game, and I faced a Legendary Ao Kuang last game mid.

Swagni even had beads/aegis he COULD NOT stop mah Anubis when I go full try hard.

Seriously people are underestimating him.

This is what I literally been doing.

* Blink, wrap, 3 + Ult you die.
I ward and camp all game if they even get close to me, once the jungler leaves I just kill people.

BTW Anubis wrecks faces in team fights, people act like Anubis is bad.... or am I facing baddies??? SIke... I think the reality is, having mummify spammed 40 times in 2 minutes is not fun and will end up killing you more than people give it credit for.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Setolino » August 4, 2014 8:20am | Report
Anubis is just good against noobies. His none escape problem makes him as viable as a AMC in ranked.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by XxCodyDarnellxX » August 4, 2014 8:58am | Report
I enjoy playing Anubis as well, I may even say he's my favorite mage. He is insanely OP *IF*, and this is a big if, you land mummify (wrap). If that misses, you're going to get melted. The reason being, as mentioned above, is lack of escapes. I think he's a great god, but more of a "risky" god, where being careless or too offensive can lead to big problems. Overall, I easily welcome an Anubis on to my team. Then I just hope that he knows what he's doing.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » August 4, 2014 9:53am | Report
If I was to be legit and try to estimate how often I land a mummify I would say its around 85% of the time if not some matches a higher %.

I actually think its because I am playing with a Xbox controller is the reason why I can land the wraps so easy, it feels like I have smoother moving in order to wrap people instead of the mouse where it might be shaking when you move left/right.

Also I am not sure how fast People ult with Anubis but I Ult before my mummify even lands because I am usually super sure that whenever I throw mummify that It will land so I just ult before it even lands. Plus the way I have the controller set up I would assume I can use abilities quicker than anyone on a keyboard.

The only edge someone can have over me really is that the mouse has sensitivity where as I can't adjust my controller sensitivity, other wise it would be amazing.

I actually just got done playing yet another League match with Anubis and I went 5-2 I think. I was midding against Swagni yet again and I had him pushed back camping.

* Now of course Anubis is not OP, but when you land a mummify then ult and see someone melt in less than 2 seconds it makes your day.


People keep bringing up the fact that Anubis has no escape? Okay that does not mean nothing. People act like if a god doesn't have every single PRO and has any CON at all that you cannot wreck with them in League or do good with them.

Anubis does not need a escape when he can just turn around mummify you, melt your face off then walk away. Seriously its actually HARD yes you herd me, its actually HARD for people to gank me when I play Anubis.

In order for someone to gank me, they would not only have to get past my wards but also get past his mummify and 3.

Not to mention that I have literally ulted people without mummify them, people act like Anubis needs an escape WTF? Hell no he doesn't, that **** would make him OP as hell!!!
Imagine him being able to wrap you up, melt you then jump away safe? No that is the def of OP.

Anubis can spam his CC all day long, no amount of beads is going to stop it.
Anubis can clear waves just as fast most of the time if not faster, there no way to stop him.
Anubis can melt you quicker then pretty much anyone, and you can't stop it when he can spam cc

MY point is, where as gods like Ares can be countered by buying beads because his ult has a long *** cooldown, Anubis gets to spam his CC BS all day long. Being that I land it mostly 85% of the time, that means your *** would need to be equipped with 3 beads and stay far away.

I am not saying Anubis is the best but damn, people forget that a god doesn't need to have a jump just to be good.

SO what he roots himself to the ground, his damn ult obliterates you in 1 second which is the very reason that **** should be rooted. You could argue about his 1 keeping him rooted but hey it doesn't take a rocket science to know not to use your 1 if there are 4 gods around you.

Imagine this
You are walking in the jungle, you turn the corner, Anubis wraps you, 3's you, ults you, your dead. Even if you were to react with beads you will most likely lose about 1/3 of your hp at the VERY least unless you have crack head reflexes.

Gods like Agni have a sexy dash, yes that is cool but can Agni save his team mate from dying? No, Agni has to waste two abilities to stun someone, Anubis can use one ability and save a team mate or stop enemy gods in their tracks.

* The worst trouble I have had so far was facing Aprhodite because of her stupid ULT and her heal, but even she died (after 40 minutes of hell facing that hoe).

I guess 4 Matches in a row I was facing baddies?

Its like I suspected, its like I tell everyone, if you win with Anubis people will call it luck or you were fed, but once you die they claim that you were facing good people? Yet if you win they will say you faced bad people? Funny how it works when you play Anubis.

I consider Anubis like the old zeus before he was famous. People used to say zeus was garbage in ranked, I was the one who always thought zeus was OP as hell way before I was on forums, then everyone started using zeus all because people started to do good with him, that is the boat Anubis is in.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Setolino » August 8, 2014 8:19am | Report
Ok. Play Anubis against any decent tourny/master player and he will destroy you.
"Wololol" -Age of Empires


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by mokihunter » August 8, 2014 11:17am | Report
I won my first match in 1v1 Joust League with Anubis, haha. And against a Neith too, who's supposedly strong against him. I don't really see any issues with playing him in league, or why people feel the need to call him garbage. I mean, whatever works for you. Different people have different play styles, and I've no doubt that in the right hands, Anubis in league could be a hard contender.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Greenevers » August 8, 2014 12:26pm | Report
yaas icen anubis pro

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » August 8, 2014 12:31pm | Report
Anubis mid is really really bad if you are against a good team, Anubis solo is better.

A good team will gank you A LOT, and you will be useless. But if you are left alone and free to farm and get big, you pretty much melt everything :P

So as long as you are careful and don't die he can be good. But most ppl fail miserably with him..
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » August 9, 2014 6:10am | Report

Anubis mid is really really bad if you are against a good team, Anubis solo is better.

A good team will gank you A LOT, and you will be useless. But if you are left alone and free to farm and get big, you pretty much melt everything :P

So as long as you are careful and don't die he can be good. But most ppl fail miserably with him..
Well the thing is you have to be over try hard with Anubis in league probably to the point you need to camp with your 3 under tower to avoid any ganks possible lolol.

I did have a game where people did try to counter me not only with aegis and beads but with magi's blessing which is sort of annoying to deal with especially if they have aegis and beads on top of that.

I've noticed that early game its kind of hard to kill people with your ult even if you wrap them because the wrap duration is simply not long enough most of the time to get full damage until you level up a bit. Usually most people will survive with just enough HP to get away.

Gem of Isolation seems like its a must to get, its really the only thing that can keep them in your damage if they are avoiding it any other way.

So yea people have a point that Anubis can get countered, but at the same time, in a team fight or catching someone off guard, any person who doesn't have an active up is pretty much getting destroyed if they don't have help.

I like how Anubis looks when you play him, his fighting stance, he kind of crouches over like a threatened animal and the way he has his hands sticking out makes it look like he is waiting to kill someone lol.

Really its only annoying if their entire team counters you, if only 1 guy is countering you its not so bad.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Sunfall » August 9, 2014 9:04am | Report
I wouldn't say Anubis is a trash god. Theoretically, he is actually very powerful, and as you said, capable of melting squishies in just seconds. The reason why most players consider him unviable is because his playstyle leaves almost zero room for error. Whereas a lot of other gods have something to get them out of a sticky situation (hell, even Ao Kuang can Slither away, and everyone ridicules that skill), Anubis is pretty much dead on the spot if he's ever caught out of position or finds himself in a losing battle. If you were playing a god that had an escape in that same situation, you would've probably gotten out of there alive.

You see where I'm going with this: ranked players prefer to have as much room for error as possible to give themselves second chances should any engagement begin to go south. With Anubis, you can't take chances or you'll end up feeding kills to your enemy (unless your gambit pays off)... and given how defeatist this community tends to be a lot of the time when someone gets fed, that's a very bad thing to have happen. He's very high risk for what most would not consider enough reward to justify picking him.

I will also state that Anubis tends to work best when he has other teammates providing hard CC as well. This way, his Mummify will not get cleansed as often when your opponents have other things to possibly worry about ( Ymir freeze, Fenrir ult, etc). The more things your opponents might have to use beads against, the better your odds of keeping your victims wrapped.
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