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Arachne Bruiser Da Fuh?

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Forum » General Discussion » Arachne Bruiser Da Fuh? 15 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » August 19, 2013 10:42am | Report
I just played a match like 1 minute ago as Agni.

Well at first the arachne on my team was complaining at me because she died, you know playing the blame game so the player wanted to surrender but it turns out me and zues went on a killing spree on their team and we won.

Anyways I checked out the end of the match details to see what their arachne bought because she had a golden skin (come on golden skins make you look pro). Anyways when I own someone with a golden skin I always laugh to myself and my team laughed and said "arachne gold skin piff"

I noticed that arachne had 3 freaking defense items?

I do not play arachne she is not a damn bruiser is she?
I thought your suppose to build her with attack damage sort of like the arachne on my team did?

But that arachne strait bought defensive items and only a voidblade and boots for damage.

And what the hell is Ao doing with speed boots? I know they make you faster but doesn't it defeat the purpose of him using his 2 or buying sprint. I mean look thats what I did and I went 7-0 with mah agni. I'm wondering if arachne build that defense because I had fully stacked doom orb the entire game. Me and zues was stomping them lil spider babies that match.

I also didn't build glass cannon agni I build him with defense.

But I have a few questions since I seen some things by view the after game.

#1 - Arachne isn't suppose to be a bruiser is she? I'm confused why that golden arachne bought half of her stuff as defense.

#2 - Ao Kuang is a ****** for buying obsidian shard right? Shouldn't the spear do more damage than that obsidian shard to me because I only got one magical defense item on agni and that was focusvoidstone

Dat dem Ao thought he could get them stacks like me with the orb till we ran and took his french fries.

Seriously though?
I don't get why:
Arachne build like a tanky bruiser
and Ao Kuang got speed boots when he has a 2 or could have used sprint, and I don't get why he got obsidian shard if vamana only has one magic defense item and none of us have much magical defense.

Most of all I don't get why Ao thought he could stack his orbs up like me hes not that pro.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by All4Games » August 19, 2013 11:01am | Report
makes sence because arachne is sutch a ra**ist early game but falls of around 20 minutes because of team fights and her dot not being strong enough later. so cuilding her bruiser should help her by being actually ALIVE while team fights are going.

i have thought about this build but since i don't play arachne i don't care enough to try it out.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » August 19, 2013 11:23am | Report
well the arachne thought sense she was a bruiser she could take on my full stacks :) lets just say that turned out to be a epic fail.. but isn't she suppose to be more ad then bruiser?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by All4Games » August 19, 2013 11:35am | Report
ya that is clear but because unless arachne is super fed and hits every hook that she doesn't fall of late game. so going bruiser still lets her do damage with a good slow/cripple, stun pool and silence and not get blown up just walking.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » August 19, 2013 11:57am | Report
The only thing I hate about that arachne build is she doesn't have much damage.
She could have like got the magic shield to give her some more damage.

Again I am no arachne player, thats probably the one god I never played more than 3 times. Assault doesn't count because it forces you to play as arachne.

I guess I would expect if you build bruiser you would focus more on your damage rather than just more defense on the tanky side.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by HollowsEdge » August 19, 2013 5:11pm | Report
Ive played tsnk arachnie a few times in ***ult and have done pretty well with it


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by LevasK » August 20, 2013 11:26am | Report
ICEN-First off if you are lazy to do the math you shouldn't call Ao a ****** or even imply it.
Now on to the questions.

1)Wait wot? Someone is building Arachne non bruiser? :O
Back when I was an active player in Smite I would rarely if ever see Arachne in ranked and when I did they would fall into 3 categories:
1.Get super fed build full AD and either position properly or get blown up regardless of how fed she was.
2. Build AD and get stomped (this was what happened the usually).
3.Build bruiser Arachne and be useful at all stages of the game (freaking annoying with those pulls).
So yes you should be building her bruiser over ADC.
However I don't agree with her build pretty sure getting devo gloves or FBH would have helped her a lot more + yea shield over bullwark and Sov is better on someone who is going full on tank and is gonna spend majority of his time in the middle of the fight.

2)He would have benefited more from spear of magus then shard , in a fight vs you shard would remove a total of 26.4MR while fully stacked spear 54.
1.Speed boots make sense to a degree since Ao has no real escape mechanics (speed boots doesn't count).+ Sprint has a long CD. (Still makes no sense vs your team)
2.Taking more then 1 stacking item and no MR vs Agni is a suicide unless Ao knows he can stalemate the lane and sit under tower afk farming.

(Can't remember which goes first flat or % when counting pen vs Resistance I think it's flat then %)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » August 20, 2013 2:57pm | Report
Well I thought it was % first then flat pen was last?
Like for example Ao has obsidian shard I thought the % from obsidian would happen first then whatever flat pen he has after that.

And as far as calling AO a ******, I am ICEN I can call AO whatever I want because he was in fact a (******)


#1 he bought Doom orb and died twice and has no kills (wasted item and died its lost all stacks)
#2 He bought obsidian shard when vamana is the only one with more than 1 magic item. Also he was facing me mid so he should be more worried about me anyways and more worried about the people thats going to kill him not a stupid tank baby.
#3 Ao bought speed boots ON TOP OF ALL THAT ****!

So lets re-check what Ao did.
#1 wasted an item slot by losing all stacks on doom orb
#2 got a worst pen item based on my team and I was mid he was facing me
#3 On top of losing power from his orb and losing pen from the shard he LOST EVERYTHING by getting those boots.

Those boots give him 0% stats other than speed. It doesn't matter if he has 1000% speed I am agni and my dash will always be faster than his reaction.

Doom orb = waste item slot for him
Shard = less effective
Speed boots = wasted item slot for power sense he has no stacks

You wonder why he is a ******?
I am ICEN and I live in the USA freedom of speach, you just live in Iraq.

Even obama knows I run it

I asked obama and he wanted me to tell you that, Ao lost all his magic power by losing stacks and buying speed boots. Obama said he is not a ****** but he is a dumbass.

Hey don't get mad at me OBAMA SAID IT! Should I say he is a idiot? You seem to be very emotional over words, I guess you never herd the saying "sticks and stones may hurt my bones but icen can say whatever he wants"? Okay maybe I made that last part up ;)

Meanwhile that Ao is typing a curse storm while you worry about the word "******"

God I hope you don't become a cop it will be wasted tax money! Go join politics, actually scratch that because if they say the word "stupid" you will go ham on them kids!


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by All4Games » August 20, 2013 3:32pm | Report
Icen ya don't lose all of your stack's at death any more ya just lose half. So If you die with full stacks you will still get enough benifit out of it as long as you don't die before you got full stacks again. Though it's still better to not die at all.

I do agree with you on the boots part, he would have been way better of with Shoes of Focus.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » August 20, 2013 7:47pm | Report
he died twice so I am guessing he did not have full stacks and even if he did he still is lacking on power since he bought boots


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