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Balanced Thor strikes again

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Forum » General Discussion » Balanced Thor strikes again 21 posts - page 1 of 3
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by valenter » September 21, 2013 8:01am | Report
So, me and my friend were bored and decided to make a 1v1 trying different, non canon builds; he went with Thor, I took Kali. He decided to go full tank, and i went full PP. Here's how it went:

Guess who was doing the most damage ? You're right, Thor ! If anyone had the same experience with him, please share. I'm hoping in a nerf. Bye.

P.s: forgot to add that i was 2 levels above him 90% of the match.
P.p.s: we had another match, using Thanatos this time, same build. Here are the results:


Posts: 9
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Pulimuli » September 21, 2013 1:06pm | Report
Does it come as a surprise that bruisers are good vs other melee gods? They are, and they should be.

Assassins should usually target squishy gods (mages and carry's)

There are items that are very good for bruisers to be able to do loads of damage and to be tanky (anhk,voidblade,witchstone) which they often have and assassins usually do not go for protections.

Thor is by no means op unless he's fed (but then everyone is) Try engaging Odin with an assassin and see how that works out for ya (you will lose unless you have better farm)


Posts: 22
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by valenter » September 21, 2013 2:25pm | Report
So, tell me how bruisers are supposed to do more damage than assassins that go full physical and pen ? Thor is by no means op ? He doesn't need to put any points in his 2 nor in his 4, plus his passive is amazing in team fights. He has 2 stuns, a teleport and can escape (if lucky) with his ulti. He's by far the best melee carry.


Posts: 9
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Piederman » September 21, 2013 3:02pm | Report
I would just like to say that Kali's abilities does not specialize in single targeting as much as other Assassins (Loki, Fenrir, Ne Zha to name a few) in the first place, so picking her in 1v1 Joust was already from the beginning a stupid decision from your side. Secondly, you did not entirely lose because of your theory of Thor being op, you lost to the fact that you went against a bruiser-build with a glass cannon-build with no protection whatsoever.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » September 21, 2013 3:14pm | Report
#1 its not full full tank, I mean thor has some bruiser items as well and executioner isn't a tank item. Focused Void Blade gives him alot of pen also, usually tanks pick regular void blade so their team can do more damage.

I consider 3 of those items tank items and the other items bruiser items and the last a power item.

Anyways, THORS 3 already can output more damage so its not really a surprise, also maybe his defense negated some of your power?

Hell you could have probably bought another pen item not too sure.

Either way thors 3 does a **** load of damage and I'm willing to bet he stayed on you with his 3 thats why.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by valenter » September 21, 2013 3:31pm | Report
The build you see in the screenshot wasn't the one i used all match. I first tried ALL (yes, ALL) the pen items in the shop -> didn't work. Then tried to go a bit tanky too -> didn't work either, at the end i just gave up and bought random items (what you see in the screeshot).
"thors 3 does a **** load of damage" that's what i mean by OP. Also, as you can see, i tried Thanatos too, and it didn't work either.


Posts: 9
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by All4Games » September 21, 2013 3:49pm | Report
valenter wrote:

The build you see in the screenshot wasn't the one i used all match. I first tried ALL (yes, ALL) the pen items in the shop -> didn't work. Then tried to go a bit tanky too -> didn't work either, at the end i just gave up and bought random items (what you see in the screeshot).
"thors 3 does a **** load of damage" that's what i mean by OP. Also, as you can see, i tried Thanatos too, and it didn't work either.

A skill does a lot of damage and they makes him OP? Im sorry but that is flauwed logic.

Look i do agree with thor being a bit too good but he isn't OP, his 3 does indeed do a lot of damage BUT he can't auto attack or use any other skill and the damage is largely dodgable bacause it is tick based.

Thors 3 is very powerfull and deals out a lot of damage but is easy to juke and escape from.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by valenter » September 21, 2013 3:57pm | Report
Yes, it is indeed easy to juke, not when you're using a god with no escapes though...also, what i meant wasn't that his 3 does too much damage SO he's op, i didn't express myself correctly; what i meant was that his skill damage in general is too high, considering he was doing more damage than me with his 3 while going (almost) full tank. It would be easily fixed lowering the base damage and raising its scaling.


Posts: 9
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Piederman » September 21, 2013 4:21pm | Report
I did some math of this, and it turned out that Kali won by far. I tested them both with the same build that Thor used on that picture posted by valenter.

Kali 38.25 from Ankh + 60 from items + 37 base power + 2*19 from power per level = 173.25 Physical Power, + her 1 that gives 55 Physical Power = 228.25 Physical Power.

1. 15 * 4 = 60 Additional damage from her basic attacks, 2 and ultimate.
2. 335 + 228.25 * 1 = 563.25 damage, + 15 * 4 from her 1 = 623.25 DMG
3. 130 + 228.25 * 0.3 = 198.47 damage, but also heals you for the same amount.
4. 120 * 10 + (228.25 * 0.2) * 10 = 1656.5 DMG, and (2 * 7) * 60 from her 1 from the ult lifetime 5 + 2 after final hit, making it 7s multiplied by 2 = 2496.5

Total damage: 3318.22.
Her Physical Protection: 327.

Thor 38.25 from Ankh + 60 from items + 39 + (2 * 19) = 175.25 Physical Power, + his passive that gives 15 in 1v1 Joust = 190.25 Physical Power.

1. 210 + 190.25 * 0.3 = 267.07 damage, 801.21 damage total with the return.
2. No damage.
3. 100 * 5 + (190.25 * 0.45) * 5 = 928.06 damage.
4. 350 + 190.25 * 1.20 = 578.3 damage.

Total damage: 2307.57.
His Physical Protection: 326.


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Posts: 243
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by valenter » September 21, 2013 6:13pm | Report
Yeah, except math doesn't win games. You didn't count the 2 Thor's stuns, one of which does damage too. Also, my 2 is temporary, and he can get out of my ulti extremely easily, while Kali can't do the same since she doesn't have an escape. Plus, I'd like to add that my friend I played against isn't really good and this was the first time he even killed me in Smite. I understand Kali was a bad choice, but again, we random picked.


Posts: 9

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