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Can someone explain surrendering?

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Forum » General Discussion » Can someone explain surrendering? 4 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by time2change » May 18, 2014 8:27am | Report
I mean if it's obvious that you are not going to win why keep playing a match. I know this doesn'' work in the real world games/sports, but in a game why stick to playing a losing match. I was just in an assault our hel dc/left... Didn't help we were playing with 2 tanks who were doing full tank builds, ares and bach. I know some crazy things can happen but when both towers are down and u start a surrender and even explain why we should. Someone wants to say I like to see games thorough. It really just baffles my mind, we're losing why continue playing for 10-15mins. I mean end this and move on, put the injured animal down. That's humane.

I also know I'm playing normal better to play with a group, but can anyone just give some insight on to why some just don't' accept we've/they lost. I mean I recently played a 5vs3. I was in the 5, 10mins hit and no surrender from other team. 5 more mins go buy still no surrender. We basically farmed them, for another 5mins. I mean common sense would seem to say I can't win this I should move on. But why didn't they? If surrendering had some sort of penalty are something then i could full understand not wanting too. But since it doesn't why keep playing?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Heartwire » May 18, 2014 8:31am | Report
Usually there are people who want to surrender, but there's always someone who does not, even though it's abudently clear you are losing.
It's annoying, but what can you do about it.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Raventhor » May 18, 2014 9:45am | Report
Basically, I have a very strict mantra against surrendering provided:
>We aren't *completely* out of the game
>I/We are having fun
>Someone hasn't ragequit or afk'd and left us in an unwinnable position

The reason I'm so against surrendering unless it's the most dire of circumstances, is we always know what to do when we're ahead. It's easy to snowball in smite, and vastly winning teams rarely lose. But this needs to change. The reason vastly winning teams never lose, is teams that are losing always surrender and never learn to play from behind.

Learning to play from behind - not get caught out, how to defend objectives when low, learning how to use objective control and map vision to get back into the game, learning to take normally unfavorable risks to get a chance to slingshot back into the game - are things you can't learn from ahead and can't learn when you surrender.

I think a very small majority of people stick through a game to the end when down by a decent margin, and I think people in this game need to learn how to play from behind better.

Thus, I think if you arne't having fun and are like, 10k+ gold out of the game, sure, go ahead and join a more fun match. But down by a couple thousand gold, stick it through. Learn how to accentuate strengths to make up for disadvantages.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Chiulin » May 19, 2014 2:29pm | Report
I'll surrender if there is literally 0 chance. Pretty much if the enemy is fed and it's 4v5. If it's 3v5, or they are clearly going to kill the Titan before we respawn.

Now, I hateeeeee when people want to surrender in any of the following circumstances:

The game started.
They died before they got a kill.
Someone else died before them.
It's 12 minutes in and the enemy hasn't surrendered yet.
Someone on the enemy team is 1 level higher than them.
We are down by 1-50 gold.

I also hateeeeee when people do the following:
Go afk because the team won't surrender.
Intentionally feed because they went afk and we ended up doing better.
Call the enemy team awful to be beaten by us after they went afk, then intentionally fed after 10 minutes and we still win.

But seriously. All of this has happened to me. All of it. Every last one. At least 20 times each. I want to just stab them in the foot and cut their nipples off. >.>


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