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Concepts: Anti-Meta

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Forum » General Discussion » Concepts: Anti-Meta 2 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » October 25, 2013 9:41pm | Report
Personally, the meta is one of the things I quite dislike about this game. Here are some ideas that might change things, but I want to know if it will be a bad thing or not.

1: Anti-debuff. A defensive or semi-defensive item that reduces the item debuff effect.

2: Removed/Anti-Deathbringer + more crit items.

3: More mages who are less "burst insane DPS pentakill" and more Zhong Kui's somewhat tanky support.

4: PLEASE! No more items without passives.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by All4Games » October 26, 2013 12:08am | Report
1 no. that is just very direct couter building for an item that is already focuses on countering other items a bit.

2 there are a lot of pysical gods i would never build crit on mostly in the bruiser type gods who get most damage from abilities

3 ao, ra, isis and aprodite come to mind (part support i know but still mages) and zhong has a lot of burst so i don't know how he is a good example.

4 as long as they have a purpose im okay with them.

sub the meta is not 1 meta. there are a lot of meta's in a moba but 1 for each spesific part of a moba.

you can always break the meta and build your assassin with a instead of crit frostbound hamer and 100% lifesteal.

or you can put the adc in the solo lane or you can go jungle with a tank or you can go jugnel with an adc or you can make a duo lane assassin mage or you can make a duo lane adc assasin or etc. see where im going with that.

all you need to do is make it work. find a team to and test them out(probebly not a good idea to try this with randoms).
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