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Evaluating Your Skill Level / Performance (Smite Guru)

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Forum » General Discussion » Evaluating Your Skill Level / Performance (Smite Guru) 6 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » July 30, 2018 3:45pm | Report
This isn't a discussion detailing a complete or perfect way to do as the title says. Rather, I want to present some of the things I look at when I consider general information or individual matches. I'll mostly use my own profile as an example, because I have no shame at my low level of play XD

My main resource for this topic is Smite Guru. If you're NOT familiar with the site, you can look up your own profile by entering your exact name in the search bar at the top of the site. Make sure you choose the appropriate platform.

General stats: the main page of your profile gives some good information. This includes playtime, global win/loss record, global KDA (kill death assist), a pie chart breaking down your modes by playtime, your top 5 most played gods, and some other general stats for the individual classes.

Snippet of my main profile

What general information can you extract from this?
  • See how much you've played typically damaging gods (Assassin / Hunter / Mage) vs. tanky gods (Guardian / Warrior). This can be interesting, because you typically expect to see higher KD ratio for offensive gods, whereas with tanky gods, your main function is more on support and tanking. How is this reflected in your top gods played? (see top 5 gods on the main profile page, or hit the "GODS" tab to see the full breakdown of all gods)

  • Use the above in combination with your KDA. As of 7/30/2018, I've got 16,542 kills, 15,450 deaths, and 42,396 assists. Looking at my top gods played, it's Freya, followed by Bacchus, Odin, Medusa, and Loki. Take this a little bit further, and you can see that 6 of my top 10, and 10 of my top 20 gods played are tanks. What can I conclude about myself? If anything, I'm a very average player. It's good that my total kills are higher than my total deaths. You DEFINITELY don't want to see higher deaths than kills. My KDA is enforced a bit by the fact that I play tanks a lot of the time. Ganesha in particular can have a pretty detrimental effect on your kills to deaths, given the fact that he will typically gift the kill to nearby teammates.

    At the same time, sadly, I actually want to see my KDA be higher with the damaging gods. Unfortunately, that's not the case. My KDA for Warriors (2.73) and Guardians (2.64) are higher overall than my Assassin (2.13), Hunter (2.37), and Mage (2.43) classes. I do have more kills than deaths in all classes but Guardians...but being that they're Supports, I suppose that's respectable.

  • Sadly, my first 1-2 years of playing SMITE saw a vast majority of my playing time in the Assault mode. Even though I play that mode very little in comparison these days, Assault takes up more than 1/2 of my total matches played. It's likely I'll never catch up with any other mode.

Gods Played:

Heading over to the Gods tab, it gives you a nice layout of general stats, and you can sort by whatever stat you prefer. Initially, it sorts by # matches played.

My Top 20 Gods Played

Not all that much here that you can't already guess at from playing in your own matches, but interesting to see things like win %.


Here's where the meat of the info is. I'll take examples of 2 extremes, and go in more depth on analysis of the matches, an evaluation on competition level, etc.

Some of the main things to look at, on the Matchup tab:
  • Parties: How many people are grouped up vs. queued solo? Parties can sometimes have a positive effect on strategy and teamwork (unless you're in my group, to be discussed shortly)

  • Account level: What are the account levels of both teams? Sometimes, during a match, I can tell something is just really wrong. Our team is completely stomping the other, and I have suspicions. After the match, I check, and yup, average account level of the other team is like 50. Unless the team is a group of smurfs (secondary, low lwevel accounts for experienced players), this can show general experience level of the player(s).

  • Elo: This is Smite Guru's score for a player's general skill level. It varies by individual mode. Its estimation of skill level should always be questioned. Average (starting) is 1,500. It goes up for wins, and down for losses, with amounts varying depending on various factors.

  • God Matchups: If you're familiar enough with all gods, you can get an idea of when you have the advantage in a matchup, or if your god is hard-countered by someone in particular (e.g. Odin against gods with no leaps). This can be a really big factor in making it seem like you did really bad or good in a game.
Some of the main things to look at, on the Match Stats tab:
  • KDA: Duh. How'd you, teammates, and enemies do that match?

  • Damage: How much did you do? In comparison to teammates? In comparison to enemies?

  • Taken/Mitigated: How much damage did you take and mitigate with protections? If you're squishy, you'll always have significantly higher taken than mitigated. If you're a tank, I feel that mitigation levels equal to or exceeding the taken value means you were absorbing damage well. If you're a tank, and you took less damage combined between taken and mitigated than a squishy on your team, you weren't doing your job.

  • Build: This is exactly where you can see how everyone else built. If you're familiar with builds, know generally HOW to can evaluate people's knowledge level well from this, unless that person was experienced but trolling.

Alright, let's look at two extreme matches. First off, a really bad one...

Arena Match...I Was Absolutely Destroyed

And here's one where it looks like we were just badass...but...

Conquest Match...WTF HR Matchups?!?

Summary: Smite Guru (or other apps, like Forge for Smite on mobile) can give you a lot of information. That information can be used to evaluate yourself and others in a given match, and has some neat stats for you to peruse if you so desire. It can point to reasons why you were absolutely demolished in that last match, or why you did so much better than you usually do. Just one more tool to help you better understand some of the variables that occur from match to match.

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Mythical (401)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by DV-8 » July 30, 2018 4:13pm | Report

Nice breakdown, Bran. Good information.

I would like to point out, though, that the Hercules that Wayne was up against was most likely a smurf, which could explain his very high ELO despite his low account level (and he killed me a few times :( ).


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » July 30, 2018 4:16pm | Report
Oh yes, I should have pointed that one out, as the 3 of us did discuss that. That Herc had a solid build so he knew what he was doing, and his gameplay style definitely wasn't that of a newer player.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Wayne3100 » July 31, 2018 12:46am | Report
I would also like to point out that my Elo being higher than the rest of you guys reinforces the point you made: that definitely should be questioned :P

My order of role KDAs mostly makes sense (Mage, 2.53 > Warrior, 2.51 > Assassin, 2.4 > Hunter, 2.39 > Guardian, 2.01), just a bit of a shame my Guardian winrate is ~47% when the rest is 53-59%.

Thanks to Janitsu for the signature!

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » July 31, 2018 9:16am | Report
Elo is completely inaccurate as shown on Smiteguru and should not be taken into consideration, especially for ranked. (and especially if you hide your stats, even if not permanently).

Only Account level and Ranked Division are real. (though players can hide their account level)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » July 31, 2018 10:09am | Report
(Hence why I said you should always question it XD)

To put almost everyone to shame, take a look at these stats (not mine obviously)

Guess who

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