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Fixing the "Forced Actives" problem

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Forum » General Discussion » Fixing the "Forced Actives" problem 10 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » December 24, 2013 10:48pm | Report
I can say that none of us like having our choices made for us. And in Smite, we are often forced to use the same actives repeatedly.

There are three problematic actives: Hand of the Gods, Teleport to Towers, and Eye of Providence.

Supports must get Hand of the Gods for pushing and taking jungle buffs, as well as stealing objective. Eye of Providence is similar because it is simply way more cost-efficient, and supports need all the gold they can get.

Junglers MUST get Hand of the Gods. Without it, their clear speeds lag behind, and stealing camps is near-impossible. Even those with innately good waveclear need HoG, because it is way too good.

And solos. They need Hand of the Gods because it is the only way to clear their blue buff in a timely manner, and they need Teleport to Towers because it's a broken item and even Mercury can't return to lane as fast.

Hand of the Gods: Change it's effect to be a small ranged Brutalize-like effect, where it affects only a single target in an area. Since this change would eliminate 60% of all junglers, lower the health of jungle camps across the board to compensate. This will reduce the need for junglers to take it, and solo laners and supports will find it less useful, while still being quite attractive for counter-jungling purposes.

Teleport to Towers: There has already been a lot said about this item. Nothing more needs to be said. I honestly would prefer this in it's old, 200-cost consumable state, but I guess a general increase in cooldowns would work just as well.

Eye of Providence: Well, this one isn't really a problem if supports are no longer forced to buy HoG. I guess it's fine as is.

What do you think?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by All4Games » December 24, 2013 11:18pm | Report
I agree that it's kind of annoying but i don't have a real probleme with it. I mean each role will always have maditory items and actives because that is just part of a moba.

In lol you have flash/ignite on adc's, jungler's need smite, support gets stuff to support,etc. It's not that maditory actives are neccesarly bad, it's more that they get tidious over time and less fun.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » December 25, 2013 6:16am | Report
Subzero008 wrote:

I can say that none of us like having our choices made for us. And in Smite, we are often forced to use the same actives repeatedly.

There are three problematic actives: Hand of the Gods, Teleport to Towers, and Eye of Providence.

Supports must get Hand of the Gods for pushing and taking jungle buffs, as well as stealing objective. Eye of Providence is similar because it is simply way more cost-efficient, and supports need all the gold they can get.

Junglers MUST get Hand of the Gods. Without it, their clear speeds lag behind, and stealing camps is near-impossible. Even those with innately good waveclear need HoG, because it is way too good.

And solos. They need Hand of the Gods because it is the only way to clear their blue buff in a timely manner, and they need Teleport to Towers because it's a broken item and even Mercury can't return to lane as fast.

Hand of the Gods: Change it's effect to be a small ranged Brutalize-like effect, where it affects only a single target in an area. Since this change would eliminate 60% of all junglers, lower the health of jungle camps across the board to compensate. This will reduce the need for junglers to take it, and solo laners and supports will find it less useful, while still being quite attractive for counter-jungling purposes.

Teleport to Towers: There has already been a lot said about this item. Nothing more needs to be said. I honestly would prefer this in it's old, 200-cost consumable state, but I guess a general increase in cooldowns would work just as well.

Eye of Providence: Well, this one isn't really a problem if supports are no longer forced to buy HoG. I guess it's fine as is.

What do you think?
New item "Beads of the gods"


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by TormentedTurnip » December 25, 2013 6:40am | Report
I, personally, would like to see Teleport to Towers be completely removed, or at the very least not let you teleport to a tower that is actively taking damage.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Ghraf » December 25, 2013 7:40am | Report

I, personally, would like to see Teleport to Towers be completely removed, or at the very least not let you teleport to a tower that is actively taking damage.

That's my favorite part, perfect timing to drop Spirit's Tempest, Rain Fire, Mummify, etc, etc. You basically get a free kill.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » December 25, 2013 11:24am | Report
Well, if it wasn't able to react to damage, it would become nearly a pointless item, since damage is how most people are aware of the need to teleport.

What do you think about the HoG change?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by SuperTibzz » December 25, 2013 6:57pm | Report
I dunno why they kept the TP active but removed the consumable? I'd rather remove the active. The 180-sec CD on the first rank is fine, just reduce it to 150/120 for the 2nd and 3rd ranks instead of 90/60. And no more TP to wards pl0x. Alternatively, having it *only* TP to wards, and never towers (or maybe towers as an option at 3rd rank) would be interesting.

I have no idea how to fix HoG. Reducing the damage on it might make it worthless and the radius is already really small. I guess I'd remove Fist of the Gods and replace it with some other option that doesn't affect gods, like an option that turns the 15-radius circle into a targeted ability that you can place at a distance instead of its being centered on your god. Or they could just have the version of it that executes FG/GF with no alternative. I dislike the Fist option more than basic HoG tbh, giving everyone hard CC like that is annoying.

I don't consider Eye of Providence mandatory. Yes it saves you cash, but how much? Even ten sentry wards is only 450 more than eye 3, not even enough for the first rank of most items. Eye might save you 1000 gold over the course of a 30 minute game? That doesn't amount to the second rank of most items. It's a significant amount but I don't think it's unreasonable to trade that for an option like Weakening Curse. Back when it had the "super wards" nonsense it might have been mandatory, but I don't think it is now.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Sunfall » December 26, 2013 2:22pm | Report
All4Games wrote:

In lol you have flash/ignite on adc's, jungler's need smite, support gets stuff to support,etc. It's not that maditory actives are neccesarly bad, it's more that they get tidious over time and less fun.

LoL"s summoner spells are picked before a match even starts and cost no gold, so there isn't really a counterplay element to it like there is here in SMITE.

Flash is picked almost all the time simply because you need it to counter the other player's Flash. Ignite is picked a lot because it can help you pick up that kill you need to start snowballing, and reduce the safety threshold for your opponents. Most other summoner spells in LoL are too situational compared to those two (except for Smite if you're jungling).

While I do like the recommended change for Hand of the Gods you listed, this isn't going to solve the problem with the lanes. In laning, push power is simply too important, because once your minions are under the enemy tower, they are falling behind in gold and EXP. If the opponents have no way to push back or pull the enemies under their tower, they fall behind. Bruisers are forced to take HoG because they can't possibly match the push of someone like Ra without it.

In short, lane mechanics need to be reworked so that bruisers and pushers are on a level field without the need for one to take HoG.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » December 26, 2013 2:42pm | Report
I wonder why pushing is safer in Smite than in LoL.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Sunfall » December 26, 2013 3:46pm | Report
Subzero008 wrote:

I wonder why pushing is safer in Smite than in LoL.

Several reasons.

+Waveclear in SMITE is generally far more powerful compared to LoL.
+Towers are stronger and minions are piss-weak in LoL compared to SMITE.
+Mages use physical power (AD) for their auto-attacks. Since only autos can hurt towers (with a few exceptions like Rammus ult), they will never build for it, so mages can only push your tower down after many waves.
+LoL has a heavy emphasis on last-hitting the minions. If you don't last-hit, you get no gold, only experience.
+There is overall less mobility in LoL compared to SMITE. Being too extended puts you at heavy risk of the jungler showing up to gank you. Using up your Flash to escape a gank means your enemy can play more aggressively for the next three minutes.
Waiting on a good new MOBA, please.


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