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For those that don't want the Authentication service running all the time

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Forum » General Discussion » For those that don't want the Authentication service running all the time 16 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Karmashock » August 11, 2013 2:23am | Report
I f'ing refuse to let games or any program for that matter install automatic services on my machine that run all the time even when the program isn't running. Yes, the hirez service does go into a pause mode when its not doing anything. Not good enough. I want the ********ed thing out of memory.

So I wrote this little script ages ago the first time I detected this little beasty.

Use it in good health:

Put the following into a text file and change the suffix from .txt to .bat
Do NOT name the batch file "smite" if that is the name of your shortcut and they are in the same folder. And do not name the batch file anything that is already a batch command like... "echo" or "goto" or "ping" or anything like that. Give it a nice unique name like "smite script.bat" or whatever.

Do ignore the "code:" remark at the top... that's the forum's bad formating... not the script.
@ECHO OFF TITLE SMITE Script ECHO To start hirez authenticate service and run smite launcher press any key. PAUSE>NUL ::start NET START "Hi-Rez Studios Authenticate and Update Service" :: Change the path to link to your smite launcher shortcut START "" "C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\(Games)\smite.lnk" ECHO Press any key to stop hirez authenicate service. PAUSE>NUL ::stop CLS NET STOP "Hi-Rez Studios Authenticate and Update Service" TITLE Services Stopped. ECHO Services Stopped. ECHO Press any key to exit. PAUSE>NUL EXIT

Do remember to set the HiRez authenticate service to "manual" first. I could put that in the script so it does it automatically but... no. Go to Start, Run, type "Services.msc", find the little bastard... its alphabetical... Right click, properties, and manual. Remember, that service MUST Be running BEFORE smite launcher loads or smite launcher will cry and cry and cry.


Remarkable (5)
Posts: 63
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BullD0G » August 11, 2013 1:57pm | Report
I'd be careful as this is altering the game files in a way ill send this off to someone and see if it is allowed.

Alright so something more simple than that script if you want it removed (the background program) uninstall smite and reinstall and then DONT HIT YES WHEN IT SAYS DO YOU WANT AN AUTH SERVICE TO RUN AT STARTUP.


Remarkable (8)
Posts: 188
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Karmashock » August 11, 2013 10:17pm | Report
this script poses no danger and won't proc a response from the authentication service. You can shut that service down any time and all it will mean is that smite won't run until you turn it back on again.

All this script does is turn the service on before launching smite then turns the service off again after smite has closed.

Nothing more. Totally legit.

It means the service is out of memory and won't be able to do anything until restored.


Remarkable (5)
Posts: 63
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BullD0G » August 12, 2013 7:15am | Report
Technically its not "legit" as it does ulter game files as in you add files to the install folder

I asked a Hi-rez intern


Remarkable (8)
Posts: 188
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Karmashock » August 12, 2013 3:48pm | Report
BullD0G wrote:

Technically its not "legit" as it does ulter game files as in you add files to the install folder

I asked a Hi-rez intern

No, it does not alter game files. And no files need to be added to the installation directory unless you consider every directory on the entire computer to be included in that definition... in which case every time you do anything you modify the installation directory.

Dude. Pay attention here. It violates no rules.

What it does is turn ON a service then execute the smite launcher... then it termintes that service from memory after smite has closed. That is all it does. That violates nothing. No game files are altered. Windows System settings are altered which is not something hirez presumes to dictate.

The script is kosher and halal... I've been using it for months without a problem.

Any disagreement on the above is nothing more then your own misunderstanding. No offense.


Remarkable (5)
Posts: 63
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BullD0G » August 12, 2013 8:17pm | Report
like i said use at your own risk its an unnecessary script


Remarkable (8)
Posts: 188
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Karmashock » August 12, 2013 8:54pm | Report
BullD0G wrote:

like i said use at your own risk its an unnecessary script

There is no risk... Literally none... and while unnecessary neither is ice cream, beer, or VIDEO GAMES necessary.

If you don't mind some skevvy little service sitting like a turd in your ram for no reason then by all means leave the service running permanently.

I find such services to be an infringement on the orderly working of my systems which is why I make a point of controlling them.

If you don't care then this script is not for you. If you do, then this service might be of use to you.

Enough said.


Remarkable (5)
Posts: 63
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BullD0G » August 12, 2013 9:46pm | Report
if you don't want it uninstall smite re install and don't click yes to installing the auth service that is why it is an unnecessary script


Remarkable (8)
Posts: 188
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Karmashock » August 12, 2013 11:32pm | Report
BullD0G wrote:

if you don't want it uninstall smite re install and don't click yes to installing the auth service that is why it is an unnecessary script

Wrong. Service still installs. It just defaults to "pause" mode. Mine already does that but that's not good enough. I do NOT want it in memory when I'm not using smite.

Shutting the service down is the only way to do that. My script merely automates this process. This violates no rules.

Again... no offense, but you don't know what you're talking about.


Remarkable (5)
Posts: 63
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by NinjasWrath » August 13, 2013 4:06am | Report
Karmashock wrote:

Go to Start, Run, type "Services.msc", find the little bastard... its alphabetical... Right click, properties, and manual.

Karmashock wrote:

Remember, that service MUST Be running BEFORE smite launcher loads or smite launcher will cry and cry and cry.

Ummm... what? After setting it to manual, what do I do? Do I just click "smite" from my desktop normally?
-And where do I place the .bat file?
(Sry for asking "silly" questions, I sincerely have no idea in programming or w.e. this is)
Playing in Europe matches.


Posts: 28

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