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Getting pissed by leavers and people who wanna surender

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Forum » General Discussion » Getting pissed by leavers and people who wanna surender 17 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by TheAmazingComicBookGuy » March 9, 2013 1:31am | Report
I am pissed at people who leave or constantly just wanna surrender!
Lets say I start up a game and go conquest, left lane Bacchus with Bakasura. Meanwhile Zeus and Ares go 1-6-0 and 0-6-1 in right lane, They start a surender vote whitch doesn't get accepted than Ares rage quits, Zeus stays and spams that we should surender and than he leaves. Me Baka and Neigh (mid lane) are 3-4 levels behind and they steamroll us.
This is not what I start up my game for, if you suck try to play safe and don't surrender or leave
Hi-Rez should make it so you CAN NOT or you loose all your favor for leaving or ban you for a weak for surendering. That would teach them


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by LevasK » March 9, 2013 4:36am | Report
Well if Zeus and Ares did so poorly unless you got really fed yourselves you should surrender -11 just from one lane is very very VERY hard to recover from. Also just like any game this one has leavers and trolls and the only thing you can do about it is ask your team aswell as the enemy team to report them for leaving/intentionally feeding...


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by treefiddy350 » March 9, 2013 12:58pm | Report
I completely disagree. Actually I think there are a lot of stupid players who drag games on when the outcome was clear after 5 minutes into the game.

I think surrendering shouldn't require 4 to agree. 3 should be enough.

I hate when one or two players are doing good while the rest are getting slaughtered, and they think they drag the game on as if the two of them are gonna win it.

And I'm not gonna "play safe". Its a video game, not real life. I'm here to have fun. I attack like crazy. Sometimes it works, sometimes no.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by TheAmazingComicBookGuy » March 9, 2013 1:16pm | Report
LevasK wrote:

Well if Zeus and Ares did so poorly unless you got really fed yourselves you should surrender -11 just from one lane is very very VERY hard to recover from. Also just like any game this one has leavers and trolls and the only thing you can do about it is ask your team aswell as the enemy team to report them for leaving/intentionally feeding...

I am not the douche for reporting feeding but I think you shouldn't leave, I think we would just need to focus down the guy who get fed :P I load up this game to play and not to insta surender


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by LevasK » March 9, 2013 1:16pm | Report
Tree again with that rage.... The game ain't over until the enemy team has 8-10k gold on your team and even then I've come back from those games and won so....


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by TheAmazingComicBookGuy » March 9, 2013 1:19pm | Report
treefiddy350 wrote:

I completely disagree. Actually I think there are a lot of stupid players who drag games on when the outcome was clear after 5 minutes into the game.

I think surrendering shouldn't require 4 to agree. 3 should be enough.

I hate when one or two players are doing good while the rest are getting slaughtered, and they think they drag the game on as if the two of them are gonna win it.

And I'm not gonna "play safe". Its a video game, not real life. I'm here to have fun. I attack like crazy. Sometimes it works, sometimes no.

I load this game up for PLAYING and not for surendering in the first 5 mins, I am here to have fun too but I hate when someone always insta surenders. This is a game, you gotta loose sometimes, they should remove surendering IMO it only irritates me


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by TheAmazingComicBookGuy » March 9, 2013 1:21pm | Report
LevasK wrote:

Tree again with that rage.... The game ain't over until the enemy team has 8-10k gold on your team and even then I've come back from those games and won so....

I don't really understand this, it might be my english but what do you mean?
Edit: what I mean is are you agreeing with me or not


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by JararoNatsu » March 9, 2013 1:22pm | Report
It's not so much taking down the person who's fed, although in the circumstance gladly do so. The problem is that the feeders are going to be behind and ultimately in a team fight are going to get shot down first. With them gone, you'll have less of a chance of succeeding and once 4 or 5 of you are down, the enemy can grab fire giant, rush the minotaur, etc. The extra gold from being fed as well as the lack of farm on your side hurts quite a lot, and it's hard to make a come back.

Unless you KNOW that you can carry a team that is underfed or just plain sucks, sometimes it is best to surrender. However, if the circumstance calls that a team is just being destroyed by a duo that is superior, than change the game up. Gank, push the lane with more people, MAKE THE COME BACK.

Surrendering can be avoided, but it depends entirely on how the team works together... and if you don't have any douchebag ragers, or trolls, or rage-quitters, etc. They just ruin games.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by TheAmazingComicBookGuy » March 9, 2013 1:24pm | Report
JararoNatsu wrote:

It's not so much taking down the person who's fed, although in the circumstance gladly do so. The problem is that the feeders are going to be behind and ultimately in a team fight are going to get shot down first. With them gone, you'll have less of a chance of succeeding and once 4 or 5 of you are down, the enemy can grab fire giant, rush the minotaur, etc. The extra gold from being fed as well as the lack of farm on your side hurts quite a lot, and it's hard to make a come back.

Unless you KNOW that you can carry a team that is underfed or just plain sucks, sometimes it is best to surrender. However, if the circumstance calls that a team is just being destroyed by a duo that is superior, than change the game up. Gank, push the lane with more people, MAKE THE COME BACK.

Surrendering can be avoided, but it depends entirely on how the team works together... and if you don't have any douchebag ragers, or trolls, or rage-quitters, etc. They just ruin games.

Well either I am a douchebag, rager, troll or they are XD (me for not surendering and them for surendering)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Dragonblaze » March 9, 2013 1:55pm | Report
yeah and i have 28000 favor, oops my internet is gone all lost?
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