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God Community Tier List

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Forum » General Discussion » God Community Tier List 26 posts - page 3 of 3
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » October 17, 2020 10:20pm | Report
That reddit tier list is 100% inaccurate and is based on Season 7, patch 1 (beginning of the year). There have been huge changes, new gods, etc., and it's best if you throw that list out.

The first link you provided looks pretty good overall, at least with regard to most of the S tier listings. Obviously there are too many gods to point out each one I might think would be in a different tier, but the long list of gods in C tier is a bit much IMO.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by S7evin424 » November 7, 2020 7:56am | Report
I got bored and created my own tier list. This is based on my opinion so it might not look super accurate. Also for the record the two roles I have the least experience with is Solo and Jungle so forgive me if there's a lot of odd choices.



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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by SkyPirateShini » November 7, 2020 8:22am | Report
I'm not well versed in the meta as I've been away from the game for a month, but I gotta ask, who did Iza Jungle? Why would someone even try that?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by S7evin424 » November 7, 2020 10:37am | Report

I'm not well versed in the meta as I've been away from the game for a month, but I gotta ask, who did Iza Jungle? Why would someone even try that?

I've seen that a total of 3 times. I guess people think "wait she can stealth so she can jungle!"

Oh how I miss bronze league adventures... not really.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » November 8, 2020 1:32am | Report
quite curious about some choices.

some examples are some of the currently considered top 5 gods in certain roles being quite a bit low. the missing Ullr on the mid lane and Set in solo lane He Bo in jgl. the inclusion of iza jungle. Nox being a worse support than aphro (while nox can build tanky with the help of Lono's Mask, while aphro will either be a squishy healer or a tanky nonhealer)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by S7evin424 » November 8, 2020 2:16am | Report
Devampi wrote:

quite curious about some choices.

some examples are some of the currently considered top 5 gods in certain roles being quite a bit low. the missing Ullr on the mid lane and Set in solo lane He Bo in jgl. the inclusion of iza jungle. Nox being a worse support than aphro (while nox can build tanky with the help of Lono's Mask, while aphro will either be a squishy healer or a tanky nonhealer)

Yeah solo and jungle are my least experienced roles so I rarely step out of my comfort zone there. Ullr mid I honestly just forgot about cause I do enjoy him in that role. Set in solo is not something I've come across too often so I can't judge.

As for Nox support, I'm just not a fan of it. At least in the games I've played with a Nox in sup it's always gone horribly wrong. They have to hit their CC or they might as well be a cheerleader. Aphro misses her CC at least she has heals, knockback/slow and an ult that's basically a free beads and aegis. Her kit just feels like there's a lot more she can do. But I put them both down there cause as an ADC main I'd gladly have Khepri, Sobek, Geb, Athena, Yemoja or ***bha any day over them. Or if we need a damage support I'd rather have Cerb or Kuzembo.


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