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Golden Rules of Conquest

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Forum » General Discussion » Golden Rules of Conquest 5 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » October 22, 2013 11:50pm | Report
Credit goes to RevelSt0ke, who wrote this thing, and I think everyone should see it.

After a slew of pretty awful Conquest games I thought it would be more beneficial to point out some obvious things a lot of people miss or neglect to do that often lead to a loss. I don't claim to be anyone important or 'know better than so and so'. These are not gospel but i've played enough that I'd like to think I've got some of the more basic concepts down and felt I should share. In no particular order whatsoever...

1- Rotate. What does this mean? Basically, follow your lane. If you're lane leaves to go mid, go mid. If you're duo lane goes mid, you go mid. Likewise, keep an eye on the map and assist where needed. If mid's getting hit hard and you're close, rotate to assist. There are some exceptions but for the most part, especially early game, you never want your teammates in a situation where they are outnumbered. If they die from someone that left your lane and you did not follow, you failed.

2- Ward. Warding is, contrary to popular belief, not exclusively the function of the support. Yes, they should, but anyone/everyone should pick up at least one ward every time they back. Early game ward the mid harpies if you're mid to prevent getting ganked. Late game ward the 'channels' above and below GF/FG. Warding provides valuable information, prevents ganks, and lets you react faster. Picking up Eye of Providence on your tanks/supports is an excellent general idea. If your map is entirely dark, you've failed.

Don't take the jungle from your jungler. Period. This is ESPECIALLY important early game. I can't even begin to tell you how many times a lane as taken blue or speed then they get upset because im under leveled and can't gank. Don't take the jungle. Wait for him, ask for help, or ignore it. Period. You're only hurting your own chances of winning taking it.

4- Don't overextend. Overextending is when you're pushing a lane so hard that your endangering yourself/your partner to ganks from being too far forward with little or no visibility in the jungle. Besides the obvious risk involved there, you're also preventing your jungler from being able to help you. If I (jungler) look at the map and see you pushed all the way up to their tower, I'm not going to go to your lane and instead go somewhere else because ganks that close are dangerous and often fail. Especially early game, stay close to middle of the lane or your tower.

5- Feed your jungler early. This seems like a silly thing to say but I've played PLENTY of games where after mid harpies are dead, the team scatters and doesnt assist in the first two camps. At least 1-2 people should assist your jungler kill the first 2 camps, then you can leave. If you strand your jungler to try and do that solo, you're going to force him to back and heal and slow down. Pay attention.

6- It is 'O.K.' to break your 'perfect build' depending on the enemy teams composition. If they have, for example, Ra/Hel/'s a pretty solid idea to have your carry pick up Beatstick and your mages pick up Divine Ruin to defend against the heals. Aegis for poseidon, beads for fenrir, curse for chronos, etc. Get out of the cookie cutter/one track mindset and think what's best for the team, not you.

7- Call your MIAs. Its simple, it takes a fraction of a second, and it informs your team to keep an eye out and play accordingly. Pinging the map is not an MIA. Typing out 'MIA' is not an MIA. VF[1/2/3] is the correct way to do an MIA and it should be done every single time the enemy leaves lane, backs, or is otherwise not visible - including if you've died. Always. Call. Your. MIAs. This is probably one of the single most beneficial, and likewise infuriating, things people neglect to do. A 'quiet' game (one with no/little voice commands) is not good.

7- Do whatever you can early game to ensure creeps are not pushed into your tower. If a tower hits a creep, you will not get gold for it. If this happens enough, you will be substantially behind in farm. Try to 'lure' the creeps back, around in a circle, or skirt the border of the tower sideways to keep them at bay. Obviously don't get yourself killed, but try to keep them from getting in range.

8- Don't 'split push' if you're behind or outnumbered. Lord knows how many times I've seen someone basically suicide then when told not to do that get 'Dude I was splitpushing' as a response. Split pushing can really screw your team if done wrong as it strands you far away from being able to help. If a teamfight goes south and your not there, your going to lose more than just a tower. Certain God's are better at this than others. Apollo, Thanatos, Mercury, Guan Yu even to an extent but it's typically a better idea to be a part of a team fight then to risk it trying for a tower. If you're team is fairly tanky and has decent 'staying power' in fights, then it's sometimes OK to use that distraction to push a tower but be observant and air on the side of caution.

9- 'Tower for a Tower' is not an acceptable strategy. What is 0 + 1 - 1. Zero. Tower for a tower is never a good idea. Yes, you're knocking down a defense, yes, you're making some gold. So are they. Defend YOUR tower, win the teamfight, THEN push their tower.

10- Stop hitting Athena. It's a metaphor, but the point is the same - if you are actively engaging a tank in a teamfight, you are failing. Always prioritize the tanks last. Ares can be a bit trickier, but most tanks job is to get in your face, disrupt and control. Stay focused and try to ignore them. You're not doing anyone any good hitting Ymir for 19 while Ne Zha destroys your Agni. Always prioritize the high damage targets first with one exception; healers. Always try to burn down Aphro, Hel, and Chang'e first lest they stay alive too long and contribute sizable heals to a teamfight. Next, your assassins and carries. Next, your bruisers. Lastly, your guardians/tanks.

11- Check your target's level Though not a rule, I often see underleveled players go charging in against low or mid-health higher level players thinking its a free kill. It's not. Don't underestimate the natural stats, health, power, and protections gained in those levels. Pick your engagements wisely and don't be greedy.

Any other 'golden rules' gladly welcomed as I'm sure there are plenty more I forgot/neglected. It is my hope some of the newer players, and those at 30 still lacking some of these basics, will glean some knowledge and apply it to their next game.

Cheers and thanks for reading-


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Ryvvik » October 23, 2013 8:02am | Report
Great post! I can think of a few more:

12 - Ask! - If you don't know, ask your team. And if a teammate makes a suggestion, try not to take it personally. Its entirely possible the person is clueless and stupid but they may be honestly trying to help. Likewise, if you are having trouble in your lane, speak up and ask for help or a lane switch.

13 - Choose a leader - To often I see everyone on the team trying to lead. One person says attack left. One person says get the fire giant. Another says retreat. There should be one person calling 'orders' and making decisions and if the team can choose this at god selection, even better.

14 - Do NOT recall - Never ever ever recall after a team fight in which you 'win'. If 4 of the enemies are wiped out and the 5th is a tank and/or he retreated...push with your team. When you wipe the enemy team you need to take advantage of it before they respawn, not run back to base to top off your health. Besides, if they are all dead and you have your entire team, who will kill you? Minions?

15 - Don't play if you don't have time - For the love of god, if you are waiting for an important phone call, if your wifes baby could pop at any moment, or if you have a date in 30 minutes...don't play. When you try to squeeze in a game and quit or go afk due to other things you are ruining 9 other players experience.


Remarkable (7)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Sasquatch180 » October 23, 2013 9:43am | Report
This is a rule that only I really follow, but it seems to be a fairly okay one.

16 - Don't be afraid to branch out and buy other consumables. Majority of the time people only pick up standard stuff (Health/Mana/Strength) without even touching the other consumables. Wards can help immensely in preventing ganks or potentially stop the enemy jungler from attacking a camp. Teleports can quickly get you from the base to a tower, or can be used to quickly get from one lane to another. Teleports can potentially allow you to save a tower on the other side of the map if you're paying attention, and you could also help a teammate who needs to be saved.


Memorable (12)
Posts: 404
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » October 23, 2013 9:58am | Report
17 - Don't call out people for feeding. Bad games happen to everyone and K/D doesn't mean the same thing as it does in say, call of duty. A tank or support, for example, going 1/6/15 played exactly how they should have. Sometimes carries will take a kill from your jungler, don't immediately assume he's failing at his role, and especially don't beat them up about it. You're not helping the situation.

18- Don't neglect your actives. Actives play an important role in conquest and shouldn't be neglected. Depending on your role and God it may even be more beneficial to prioritize an active (say, eye of providence 2) over completing an item. Know who you're both playing with and against and buy actives to compliment or shut down, accordingly. Good examples are Eye and/or Hog for tanks, Beads for Ares/Fenrir, Aegis for Poseidon or squishy carries, Curse for Chronos and Mercury, and so on. Avoid buying meditation or shard (at least in conquest) as they are generally poor choices and just eat a slot that could be used for a better active.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Zerosaviour » October 23, 2013 12:58pm | Report
Subzero008 wrote:

17 - Don't call out people for feeding. Bad games happen to everyone and K/D doesn't mean the same thing as it does in say, call of duty. A tank or support, for example, going 1/6/15 played exactly how they should have. Sometimes carries will take a kill from your jungler, don't immediately assume he's failing at his role, and especially don't beat them up about it. You're not helping the situation.

(Also someone isn't intentionally feeding if the enemy jungler is pretty much just waiting for them to step out away from their tower or for the minion wave to hit their tower so they are even less able to survive)

On don't steal the junglers jungle; you should if the jungler isn't dropping the buffs for you. I've had to leave lane many times due to the jungler refusing to kill the mana buff minions so I could get the mana buff when I play Hel.


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